Click here for the A Word A Day – Grade 6 curriculum Build up stores of vocabulary with just one word a day! Each week, four new words are presented with a definition, sample sentence, and discussion prompts (one per day). The fifth day is used for an end-of week review that reviews the four…
Click here for the A Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers curriculum Research suggests that both listening to and playing classical music aid brain development. Bright Ideas Press Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers provides a close-up look at 26 famous composers from six different music eras, their music, and their times, with special attention to their…
Click here for the A Young Scholar’s Guide to Poetry curriculum When you look at a poem, what do you see? When you listen to a poem, what do you hear? When you write a poem, what picture do you create? Poetry is the art of carefully selecting and shaping words to paint a picture…
You can purchase this excellent literature, Abraham Lincoln’s World, by Beautiful Feet Books, here. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the ACSI Mathematics Grade – 6 curriculum ACSI’s Purposeful Design Mathematics Grade 6 student worktext has been fully updated and features new, bright, fresh, and engaging illustrations and imagery. This grade 6 text features units on multiplying/dividing whole numbers and decimals, geometry, fractions and number theory, adding/subtracting/ multiplying/dividing decimals, integers, area and…