Click here for the BJU Press Biblical Worldview (KJV)Â curriculum The Biblical Worldview curriculum from BJU Press will help equip students to understand, defend, and share their faith. Using the framework of Creation-Fall-Redemption, students will apply their understanding of God and his plan to ethical topics of marriage, gender roles & family, government & politics, science,…
Click here for the BJU Press Cultural Geography curriculum Cultural Geography Student Edition, 5th edition will take the students around the world, starting with physical geography, the earth’s climate, and the people of the world. The first four units progress from North and South America and then on to Europe and Russia. Unit five will…
Click here for the BJU Press World History curriculum BJU Press’ World History Subject Kit. 5th ed. includes teaching strategies and formative assessments, aligned with educational objectives, to be used as tools to help teachers to develop critical thinking skills. Suggested discussion topics and questions guide teachers through the key themes and handling of primary…
Click here for the BJU Press United States History curriculum United States History (5th Edition) Student Text takes the student on a journey beginning with European contact with American Indians and ending with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Along the journey, the course highlights major historical events that have shaped American history, inviting students to…