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Understanding Grading Scales

Homeschool Planet calculates a numeric score for each class, between 0 and 100, and uses the grading scales set up in your account to convert those scores to letter grades. For information on setting up the numeric to letter equivalents for your homeschool, as well as +/- and pass/fail options see the directions below.

Homeschool Planet User Guide for Grading

Directions for Understanding Grading Scales

  1. The first step to setting up your Grading Scales is to open the Master page for Grading Scales. To do this go to Settings> Grading>Scales.
  2. You will see three categories: Standard, Standard +/-, and Pass/No Credit.
  3. Homeschool Planet has pre-set each Grading Scale with a traditional scale but you can adjust each section as you see fit. To do so simply type in the numbers you would like to see. Each number represents the minimum score which much be achieved for the corresponding letter grade.
    • You can find an article on selecting Grading Scales from The Home Scholar, here.
  4. Please note that Homeschool Planet uses standard rounding metrics so a grade of 89.6 will be counted as a grade of 90.
  5. At this point you should select the Grading Scale you intend to use most as your default. You will be able to override this option in any individual class.
  6. Don’t forget to hit Save when you have finished adjusting your Grading Scales!

Screenshots for Understanding Grading Scales

Screenshot to help you locate the grading tab under the settings menu.

Screenshot instructions for entering scores you would like to use for your grading scale in Homeschool Planet.

Grading Scales Video Tutorial

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions at We are here to help you!

For more information about Grading in your Homeschool Planet account see the following entries:

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