BJU Press Writing & Grammar
Quickly and easily plan and schedule your BJU Press English – Writing and Grammar curriculum with these lesson plans for Homeschool Planet that layout the publisher’s recommended course of study for your BJU textbooks*. Using a biblical perspective, the BJU Press English – Writing and Grammar curriculum can sharpen grammar and language skills to help your child communicate more effectively as an adult.
*Please note that these plans are for the textbook series, not Distance Learning, and all lesson plans reflect the pacing as found in the official BJU Press Lesson Plan Overviews. Note: BJU Press English Levels 1 – 6 are Phonics and English. Levels 7 – 12 are Writing and Grammar.
BJU Press Writing & Grammar and Homeschool Planet
These lesson plans applied within your Homeschool Planet planner will help you stay on track in your BJU Press Writing & Grammar course.
What’s Included:
- 1 year lesson plan, covering all the assignments for your BJU Press Writing & Grammar curriculum.
- Package includes all current editionWriting & Grammar lesson plans!
- Check boxes for your students to check off as they complete their assignments, giving them a sense of accomplishment and you a permanent record of their achievement.
- Automatic rescheduling of assignments when “life happens”
- “Daily Digest” email reminders to help you and your child stay on track
- Grade tracking to recognize or reward completion of work.
- Attendance records for states where this is required.
- Extensive reports to help you manage grades, attendance, activities, and more.
- Automatic lesson plan updates as needed, with enhancements, link updates, etc.
- You decide whether to apply ongoing updates.
- Curriculum is not included and should be purchased separately. Links are provided to purchase curriculum when available.
Please note: These lesson plans are subject to copyright laws and cannot be used beyond those in your household. By “household” we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. You may reach us with any questions at support@homeschoolplanet.com.
Click the images below to see a sample of the lesson plan
BJU Press Writing & Grammar Lesson Plan Package For Grades 7 - 12
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Lesson Plans Included in this Package:
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 7, 4th ed. For Grade 7 BJU Press Writing & Grammar 8, 4th ed. For Grade 8 BJU Press Writing & Grammar 9, 4th ed. For Grade 9 BJU Press Writing & Grammar 10, 4th ed. For Grade 10 BJU Press Writing & Grammar 11, 3rd ed. For Grade 11 BJU Press Writing & Grammar 12, 3rd ed. For Grade 12 |
$59.70 | $24.95 | |
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 7, 3rd ed. For Grade 7
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 7, 4th ed. For Grade 7
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Writing and Grammar 7 guides students toward formulating a biblical worldview of communication through writing by focusing on four themes: truth, beauty, virtue, and balance. This course leads students to become creators as they learn how to apply grammar skills to their writing. Grammar chapters offer systematic teaching of grammar concepts. Writing chapters teach students narrative, informative, and argumentative writing by leading them through the five steps of the writing process: planning, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing. Students will evaluate mentor texts and practice their writing and grammar skills with regular Writing Workshops. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. |
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 8, 3rd ed. For Grade 8
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 8, 4th ed. For Grade 8
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Empower students with the foundational tools needed to improve written and oral communication! Illustrations and photos foster engagement when learning difficult concepts, and mentor texts demonstrate excellent writing they can model. Assignments are scaffolded from paragraphs to essays and culminate in a multigenre project. Kit includes student worktext, teacher's edition, and assessments and answer key. From BJU Press. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. |
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 9, 3rd ed. For Grade 9
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 9, 4th ed. For Grade 9
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Want to see your fast-growing teens become intentional and effective communicators? This open-and-go curriculum weaves straightforward lessons on grammar and mechanics into thought-provoking writing assignments ranging from persuasive essays and opinion pieces to memoirs, film scripts, and research papers. Cultivate top-notch writing skills they'll use in high school, college, and beyond! Includes teacher's guide, student worktext, assessments, and answer key. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. |
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 10, 3rd ed. For Grade 10
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 10, 4th ed. For Grade 10
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 11, 3rd ed. For Grade 11
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BJU Press' Writing & Grammar 11 covers parts of speech, sentence structure, phrases, clauses, punctuation, critical responses to literature, the narrative poem, hymns, writing strategies, library and study skills, and more while emphasizing their application to writing. Throughout the course, students will have opportunities to strengthen writing skills through specific writing projects such as analytical essays, editing exercises, research papers, memoirs, interviews, and more. Grade 11. 3rd Edition Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. |
$9.95 | ||
BJU Press Writing & Grammar 12, 3rd ed. For Grade 12
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BJU Press' Writing & Grammar Grade 12, 3rd Edition student worktext gives students many different types of opportunities to improve their writing skills. Chapters teach the writing process; writing descriptive, compare/contrast, persuasive and extemporaneous essays; understanding how parts of speech operate; reviewing agreement; identifying clauses; writing a research report; writing a college application essay; pronouns reference; punctuation; and more. Writing samples begin each chapter, providing a model for students to follow for writing exercises, while example sentences help students to identify elements of grammar. Chapter reviews are included in the back. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. |
$9.95 |