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Notgrass History

Quickly and easily add your homeschooling favorite Notgrass History curriculum to your schedule with these publisher-created lesson plans for use with Homeschool Planet. Notgrass History curriculum presents the people, themes, and events of history, American government, and economics from a Christian perspective in an engaging and readable format with emphasis on original documents and speeches that help make history come to life.

Exploring World Geography by Ray Notgrass is a one-year high school course that describes and explains the world God created. Students will learn about mankind’s interaction with the world both in the past and in the present.

Notgrass History and Homeschool Planet

These lesson plans applied within your Homeschool Planet planner will help you stay on track in your Notgrass History course.

What’s Included: 

  • One year of assignments and activities for your Notgrass History curriculum in a convenient lesson plan.
  • All Lesson plan package includes ALL 11 Notgrass History lesson plans!
  • Elementary Lesson Plan package includes All Elementary lesson plans!
  • Middle School Lesson Plan package includes All Middle lesson plans! 
  • High School Lesson Plan package includes All High School lesson plans! 
  • Check boxes for your students to check off as they complete their assignments, giving them a sense of accomplishment and you a permanent record of their achievement.
  • Automatic rescheduling of assignments when “life happens”
  • “Daily Digest” email reminders to help you and your child stay on track
  • Grade tracking to recognize or reward completion of work.
  • Attendance records for states where this is required.
  • Extensive reports to help you manage grades, attendance, activities, and more.
  • Automatic lesson plan updates as needed, with enhancements, link updates, etc.


  • You decide whether to apply ongoing updates.
  • Curriculum is not included and should be purchased separately. Links are provided to purchase curriculum when available.

Please note: These lesson plans are subject to copyright laws and cannot be used beyond those in your household. By “household” we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. You may reach us with any questions at

Click the images below to see a sample of the lesson plan

Notgrass From Adam to Us
Notgrass Exploring America Weekly View
Notgrass All Lesson Plans Package For Grades 5 - 12
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Lesson plans included in this package:

Notgrass: Our Great Big World For Grades 1-4
Notgrass: Our 50 States For Grades 1-4
Notgrass: Our start Spangled History For Grades 1-4
Notgrass: Uncle Sam and You For Grades 5 - 8
Notgrass: From Adam to Us For Grades 5 - 8
Notgrass: America the Beautiful (2011 ed.) For Grades 5 - 8
Notgrass: America the Beautiful (2021 ed.) For Grades 5 - 8
Notgrass: Exploring World Geography For Grades 9 - 12
Notgrass: Exploring World History For Grades 9 - 12
Notgrass: Exploring America For Grades 9 - 12
Notgrass: Exploring Government For Grades 9 - 12
Notgrass: Exploring Government, 2023 edition For Grades 9 - 12
Notgrass: Exploring Economics For Grades 9 - 12
$137.45 $78.95

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Notgrass Elementary Lesson Plan Package For Grades 1 - 4
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This lesson plan package includes plans for the following lesson plans. You can learn more about the curriculum by reading the More info links on the individual lesson plan offerings.

Our 50 States
Our Great Big World
Our Star-Spangled Story
$29.85 $19.95

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Notgrass Middle School Lesson Plan Package For Grades 5 - 8
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Lesson Plan Package includes:

Notgrass: America the Beautiful (2021)
Notgrass: America the Beautiful (2011)
Notgrass: From Adam to Us
Notgrass: Uncle Sam and You
$44.85 $32.95

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Notgrass High School Lesson Plan Package For Grades 9 - 12
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Lesson plans included in this package:

  • Exploring World History

  • Exploring America

  • Exploring World Geography

  • Exploring Government

  • Exploring Government, 2023 edition

  • Exploring Economics

$71.70 $41.95

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Notgrass: Our Great Big World For Grades 1 - 4
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To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Our Great Big World which this lesson plan was created for simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: Our 50 States For Grades 1 - 4
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Our 50 States by Mary Evelyn McCurdy is a one-year introduction to U.S. geography designed for students in grades one through four. It features a section on each of the 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and the U.S. territories. The curriculum features simple lessons with easy-to-follow instructions, full-color photographs and illustrations, engaging supplemental activities, and one historic song for each state available to stream or download. Students complete their own student atlas as part of the course.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Our 50 States - Elementary U.S. Geography Curriculum which this lesson plan was created for simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: Our Star Spangled Story For Grades 1 - 4
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Our Star-Spangled Story by Charlene Notgrass, Bethany Poore, and Mary Evelyn McCurdy is a one-year American history survey for students in grades one through four. The course discusses topics from the time of native peoples in North America at the time of European exploration and settlement into the 21st century. The curriculum features simple lessons with easy-to-follow instructions, full-color photographs and illustrations, and engaging supplemental activities. Star-Spangled Rhythms and Rhymes is a collection of poems, songs, and dances from throughout American history that students read as assignments. You also get access to audio recordings of the collection to stream or download. Students also complete other assignments, including those involving a timeline and a student workbook.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Our Star-Spangled Story which this lesson plan was created for simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: America the Beautiful (2021 Ed.) For Grades 5 - 8
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This plan is for the new 2021 edition.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum America the Beautiful which this lesson plan was created for, simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: America the Beautiful (2011 ed.) For Grades 5 - 8
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This lesson plan is for the 2011 edition of America the Beautiful by Notgrass.

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Notgrass: From Adam to Us For Grades 5 - 8
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From Adam to Us by Ray and Charlene Notgrass is a one-year survey of world history designed for students in grades five through eight. The lessons cover topics from Creation to the 21st century in chronological order. Each weekly unit includes five kinds of lessons: Our World Story, Daily Life, God’s Wonder, World Biography, and World Landmark. In each unit, the lessons are set in different parts of the world during a particular time period. The daily lessons are written in a narrative style and richly illustrated with color photographs and maps. The assigned works of literature are set in specific places and time periods to coordinate with the history lessons. Primary sources, literature, and hands-on activities help the student connect with the history in a personal way. Students complete a variety of other assignments, including vocabulary, creative writing, and Bible study. The curriculum includes a map book, a timeline, and an anthology of original sources, all of which are assigned throughout the course.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum From Adam to Us which this lesson plan was created for simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: Uncle Sam and You For Grades 5 - 8
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Uncle Sam and You by Ray and Charlene Notgrass is a one-year course on American civics and government for students in grades five through eight. The curriculum guides the student on an engaging tour of our country to learn about elected leaders and everyday citizens who fill important roles in making our country work. It covers elections, what public officials do, how government agencies function, and the other topics listed below. One lesson in each unit focuses on a patriotic holiday and suggests a family activity to help the student appreciate the meaning of that holiday. The curriculum includes an anthology of stories and original sources that are assigned throughout the course. Other assignments include vocabulary, creative projects, and short writing assignments. The eight assigned works of literature teach students about individuals who have helped our country and times when communities work together to accomplish a goal.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Uncle Sam and You which this lesson plan was created for, simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: Exploring World Geography For Grades 9 - 12
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An affiliate link to purchase the curriculum needed for the lesson plan you have purchased can be found by clicking this link: Exploring World Geography High School Curriculum

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Notgrass: Exploring World History For Grades 9 - 12
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Exploring World History by Ray Notgrass is a one-year survey of world history from Creation to the 21st Century for students in grades nine through twelve. The course discusses civilizations from around the world. A special emphasis is placed on key events, key ideas, key persons, and everyday life in various time periods of world history. The student reads a significant number of original documents and speeches in the anthology In Their Words while studying the narrative of lessons. The student reads classic works of world literature including novels, short stories, devotional literature, plays, theological essays, biographies, memoirs, poetry, and hymns. Emphasis is placed on how the literature reflects the historical settings of the works. The student also has a weekly assignment of either an essay or another kind of creative project. The course also includes an overview of the Bible and Bible history, including both its message of faith and how it complements our understanding of history.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Exploring World History which this lesson plan was created for, simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: Exploring America For Grades 9 - 12
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Exploring America by Ray Notgrass is a one-year survey of American history for students in grades nine through twelve. The student will study American history from the time of the native peoples and first European explorers to the 21st century. The course discusses events, issues, and policies on the national level, especially involving the federal government, as well as developments in American culture. It places special emphasis on the experience of Black Americans. The student will read a significant number of original documents and speeches while studying the narrative of lessons. The student will read twelve classic works, including novels and autobiographies. The student will also read a collection of essays, poetry, and hymns. How the literature reflects the historical settings of the works is a particular emphasis. The student also has a weekly assignment of either an essay or another kind of creative project. The student will examine developments and movements in American religious history, from the role of religion in the founding of the colonies to contemporary moral and spiritual issues such as abortion and evolution. Topical Bible studies bring Biblical teachings to bear on the historical issues discussed.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Exploring America which this lesson plan was created for, simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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Notgrass: Exploring Government (2023)
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An affiliate link to purchase the curriculum needed for the lesson plan you have purchased can be found by clicking the image below.

Exploring Government for High School

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.

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Notgrass: Exploring Government (Original Ed.) For Grades 9 - 12
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This lesson plan is for the original version of Exploring Government (published in 2016) by Ray Notgrass. There is also a 2023 edition lesson plan available.


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Notgrass: Exploring Economics For Grades 9 - 12
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Exploring Economics by Ray Notgrass is a one-semester course for students in grades nine through twelve. The student will receive an introduction to Biblical teaching related to economics, economics in church history, and the economic history of the United States. The student will then explore the basics of macroeconomics and microeconomics (primarily the former), learning about markets, money, trade, business organization, and labor. The student will also learn how government is involved in the economy and look at modern economic challenges. The student will read a significant number of original source documents and essays about economics while studying the lessons.

To use our affiliate link and go directly to the curriculum Exploring Economics which this lesson plan was created for simply select the blue title found in this sentence!

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