Let’s Study Great Scientists
Do you want your students to love learning about the most famous scientists in history? These lesson plans from Shannan Swindler at Captivating Compass with integrated curriculum for use with your Homeschool Planet subscription will keep both you and your students engaged in learning about the lives of these famous men. Each lesson plan lays out the recommended course of study in Homeschool Planet, giving you and your student a convenient way to track progress, record grades and attendance, and more.
Let’s Study Great Scientists by Captivating Compass for Homeschool Planet
Everything you need to complete your study of these fascinating scientists is right here in this Let’s Study Scientists lesson plan with curriculum for your Homeschool Planet account.
What’s Included:
- The official publisher created lesson plans with FULL CURRICULUM and all needed resources.
- Interactive assignments, convenient links, comprehension questions, printable worksheets, and a multitude of videos.
- Package includes all 5 plans with curriculum.
- Select "More Info" on bundles to see contents of bundle.
- Check boxes for your students to check off as they complete their assignments, giving them a sense of accomplishment and you a permanent record of their achievement.
- Automatic rescheduling of assignments when “life happens”
- “Daily Digest” email reminders to help you and your child stay on track
- Grade tracking to recognize or reward completion of work.
- Attendance records for states where this is required.
- Extensive reports to help you manage grades, attendance, activities, and more.
- Automatic lesson plan updates as needed, with enhancements, link updates, etc.
- You decide whether to apply ongoing updates.
A note from the author: These unit studies are much more than just science lessons. I encourage you to set a pace that allows for thoughtful discussion and interaction on the content. I recommend 2 lessons a week, but some experiments may take longer and some reading may go quicker. The unit studies will have maximum benefit (especially for older students) if there is an opportunity to discuss and respond to the many twists, turns, and discoveries in each scientist's life. Encourage your student to keep a journal (digital or paper) where they can write down their thoughts, ideas, favorite quotes, etc. as they read and interact with the information. A regular opportunity to discuss the ideas and circumstances is encouraged as well, as there is much to talk about.
For a limited time any Let's Study Great Scientists lesson plan purchase comes with a FREE download for Isaac Newton Quotes & Copywork. Download will automatically be added to order.
Please note: These lesson plans are subject to copyright laws and cannot be used beyond those in your household. By “household” we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. You may reach us with any questions at support@homeschoolplanet.com.
Please note that items with downloadable curriculum included are not returnable for any reason.
Click the images below to see a sample of the lesson plan
Let’s Study Great Scientists: All Lesson Plans Package For Grades 5 - 12
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Included in Let's Study Great Scientists: Lesson Plan Package:
$54.75 | $35.95 | |
Let’s Study Galileo: Science & Truth Lesson Plan Package For Grades 5 - 12
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Let's Study Galileo: Science & Truth Lesson Plan Package includes:
$19.90 | $14.95 | |
Let’s Study Isaac Newton: A Life of Discovery Lesson Plan Package For Grades 5 - 12
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Let's Study Isaac Newton: A Life of Discovery Lesson Plan Package includes:
$19.90 | $14.95 | |
Let’s Study Archimedes: Beyond “Eureka!” For Grades 5 - 12
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Overview: Archimedes was one of the most famous scientists in Ancient Greece during the Classical Age. Can you believe some of his greatest ideas came whilst taking a bath!?! Come On! You’re going to love the Let’s Study Archimedes: Beyond “Eureka!” unit study!
There is much to learn about this amazing inventor and mathematician and his contribution to science in the Let’s Study Archimedes unit study. We will scratch the surface here and provide some ways to extend your learning and make it fun all at the same time. This unit study is suitable for upper elementary/primary through high school/secondary students. Ideally, students aged 10+. What You’ll Get:
$14.95 | ||
Let’s Study Galileo: Science & Truth – Upper Elementary/Upper Primary Edition For Grades 5 - 7
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Overview:Galileo was one of the most famous scientists ever. Yet, it took nearly 300 years for the complete truth of his scientific discoveries to be accepted by the modern world. He is perhaps best known for being a great astronomer and tirelessly repeating experiments to test and confirm results. Surprisingly, you’ll discover that you encounter his scientific contributions all the time in everyday modern life. This unit study edition is for Upper Elementary/Upper Primary Students. What You’ll Get:
A note from the author: This unit study on the life of Galileo Galilei is much more than a science lesson. I encourage you to set a pace that allows for thoughtful discussion and interaction on the content. I recommend 2 lessons a week, but some experiments may take longer and some reading may go quicker. This unit study will have maximum benefit (especially for older students) if there is an opportunity to discuss and respond to the many twists, turns, and discoveries in Galileo’s life. Encourage your student to keep a journal (digital or paper) where they can write down their thoughts, ideas, favorite quotes, etc. as they read and interact with the information. A regular opportunity to discuss the ideas and circumstances is encouraged as well, as there is much to talk about. In light of this, you may find that the pdf version of “How they make me suffer…” would make a good read-aloud for the younger age group. It will create the opportunity for discussion, looking up unknown words, checking maps, etc.. These activities may not be initiated on their own by the student, but are key for continued engagement with the story and maximum benefit of the lessons. |
$9.95 | ||
Let’s Study Galileo: Science & Truth – Middle School/High School Edition For Grades 8 - 12
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Overview:Galileo was one of the most famous scientists ever. Yet, it took nearly 300 years for the complete truth of his scientific discoveries to be accepted by the modern world. He is perhaps best known for being a great astronomer and tirelessly repeating experiments to test and confirm results. Surprisingly, you’ll discover that you encounter his scientific contributions all the time in everyday modern life. This unit study edition is for middle school/high school/secondary aged students. What You’ll Get:
A note from the author: This unit study on the life of Galileo Galilei is much more than a science lesson. I encourage you to set a pace that allows for thoughtful discussion and interaction on the content. I recommend 2 lessons a week, but some experiments may take longer and some reading may go quicker. This unit study will have maximum benefit (especially for older students) if there is an opportunity to discuss and respond to the many twists, turns, and discoveries in Galileo’s life. Encourage your student to keep a journal (digital or paper) where they can write down their thoughts, ideas, favorite quotes, etc. as they read and interact with the information. A regular opportunity to discuss the ideas and circumstances is encouraged as well, as there is much to talk about. In light of this, you may find that the pdf version of “How they make me suffer…” would make a good read-aloud for the younger age group. It will create the opportunity for discussion, looking up unknown words, checking maps, etc.. These activities may not be initiated on their own by the student, but are key for continued engagement with the story and maximum benefit of the lessons. |
$9.95 | ||
Let’s Study Isaac Newton – Upper Elementary/Upper Primary For Grades 5 - 7
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Overview:There is so much more to the life of Isaac Newton than universal laws and math. From the day he was born, his tumultuous personal life, obsessive ideas, and unique personality weave together an eventful & intriguing story of competition, secrecy & even knighthood. Studying the lives of great scientists like Isaac Newton is an excellent way to learn about science and history. Explore the exciting discoveries of gravity, optics, and how to prevent counterfeit currency in England. The Let’s Study Isaac Newton online unit study brings a new breadth of understanding of the exciting times Newton had during the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. This unit study edition is for Upper Elementary/Upper Primary Students. What You’ll Get:
$9.95 | ||
Let’s Study Isaac Newton: A Life of Discovery – Middle School/High School Edition For Grades 8 - 12
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Overview:There is so much more to the life of Isaac Newton than universal laws and math. From the day he was born, his tumultuous personal life, obsessive ideas, and unique personality weave together an eventful & intriguing story of competition, secrecy & even knighthood. Studying the lives of great scientists like Isaac Newton is an excellent way to learn about science and history. Explore the exciting discoveries of gravity, optics, and how to prevent counterfeit currency in England. The Let’s Study Isaac Newton online unit study brings a new breadth of understanding of the exciting times Newton had during the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. This unit study edition is only for middle school/high school/secondary aged students. What You’ll Get:
$9.95 |