Secular book based homeschool packages 12th grade

Secular/Neutral Book Based Grade 12

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Homeschooling just got easier.  This bundle includes all digital lesson plans for core subjects, full access to the Homeschool Planet platform to manage school from home, and full access to the “Homeschool Like an Expert” video series for parents (including the “Quick Start Guide.”)  Easy links/codes are provided to purchase curriculum directly from the distributor.  We’ve done the work of sourcing great secular/neutral based printed curriculum so you don’t have to.  Relax–it’s going to be a great school year.

Scroll through the package options below and choose the one that works best for your family!


  • Homeschool Planet Digital Planner one year subscription
    • Automatic digital download of lesson plans within the Homeschool Planet network, with detailed plans of what to teach in every subject every day.
    • Homeschool Planet classroom platform for digitally managing grades, report cards, schedules, chores, sports, and other activities for all student progress in one easy place.
    • Automatic assignment generator and extensive customization.
    • Intuitive and dynamic rescheduling- for when life happens.
    • Printable checklists that show complete/incomplete assignments
    • Daily and weekly email digests of assignments and activities
    • Extra perks, like offsite storage, a mobile version, integration with standard web-based calendars, and no ads!
  • Homeschool Like an Expert Video Series to watch at your convenience
  • Four Core Subjects (choose your favorite combo!) included with enhancing Elective options coming soon
    • Math: Thinkwell Pre-Calculus (Complete Curriculum and Lessons Plans) ~OR Teaching Textbook Pre-Calculus (Complete Lesson Plan)
    • Science: Mr. Q's (Complete Lesson Plans) for Advanced Earth Science ~OR~ Advanced Physical Science
    • History: Pandia Press Ancients, Level 3 (Complete Curriculum and Lesson Plans)  ~OR~ Khan Government & Economics (Complete Lesson Plans)
    • Language Arts: Learning Language Arts through Literature Gold Book: Literary Criticism (Complete Lesson Plan)
  • All links/codes to purchase required materials directly from the publisher or discount reseller

Please note: Select the "More Info" link located in each bundle option below for a complete description of the bundle. Some items will need to be purchased separately with provided links. Lesson plans are subject to copyright laws and cannot be used beyond those in your household. By “household” we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. You may reach us with any questions at

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Homeschool Expert Video Series Image
Package SB12A: Thinkwell Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Earth Science, Pandia Press: Ancients, Level 3
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Thinkwell Pre-Calculus Video/Online Course
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science
History & Language Arts- Pandia Press History Odyssey: Ancients, Level 3

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus full curriculum

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science lesson plan

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3, curriculum and lesson plan

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science, cost $60

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3 literature titles may be purchased or borrowed from the library.

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Thinkwell Pre-Calculus:  Thinkwell's award-winning Algebra 2 online course will inspire your homeschool student to make lasting, meaningful connections with advanced math concepts through our engaging video tutorials. Because Thinkwell's Algebra 2 has all of the topics required in any typical Algebra 2 textbook or curriculum, you won't need any additional materials. Online exercises with practice problems are delivered with correct answer feedback.

Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science– Ever wonder what causes fire to burn, or bubbles to form, or whey those leftovers turn into a soupy goo? Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3 From first civilizations to the fall of Rome, Ancients Level Three is a complete one-year curriculum guide that combines history with literature, world geography, and writing activities. This comprehensive course covers the successes and failures of Ancient civilizations from all parts of the world such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Mayans, the Hittites, the Persians, the Mesopotamians, and many others. Ancients Level Three is a student guide that provides step by step lessons to teach world history from 6000 BCE to CE 500. Level 3 History Odyssey guides are written to be used independently by students with the parent/teacher assisting when necessary with lessons and assessing the student’s completed work. Literature and writing instructions and assignments found in the course include how to read classic literature, how to write a thesis statement, defining epic literature, essay writing, literature matrixes, literary analysis, logic and rhetoric as applied to literature and history readings, producing critical biographies, comprehending literature through storyboards, advanced outlining of history readings, and more. Critical thinking with history studies found in this course include identification of connections and cause/effect relationships, compare and contrast ancient civilizations, timeline analysis, thorough analysis of primary sources including historical speeches and historical political writings, and decertification of connections between geography and history through extensive map work.

Language Arts work is included with Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3
$322.80 $287.80

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Package SB12B: Thinkwell Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Earth Science, Khan Government & Economic Courses, LLATL Gold Book Literary Criticism
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Thinkwell Pre-Calculus Video/Online Course
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science
History- Khan Government & Macro Economics
Language Arts- LLATL: Gold Book Literary Criticism 

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus full curriculum

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Government lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Macro Economics lesson plan

  • LLATL: Gold Book  Literary Ctiticism 

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science, cost $60

  • Khan Online Government course, free

  • Khan Online Economics course, free

  • LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism, cost $22.00

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Thinkwell Pre-Calculus:  Thinkwell's award-winning Algebra 2 online course will inspire your homeschool student to make lasting, meaningful connections with advanced math concepts through our engaging video tutorials. Because Thinkwell's Algebra 2 has all of the topics required in any typical Algebra 2 textbook or curriculum, you won't need any additional materials. Online exercises with practice problems are delivered with correct answer feedback.

Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science– Ever wonder what causes fire to burn, or bubbles to form, or whey those leftovers turn into a soupy goo? Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Khan Government & Civics:   This Govt & Civics course is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that covers the basics of government and civics for high-schoolers with both well known, and little known facts and anecdotes.  Unit titles for this course: Foundations of American Democracy, Interactions among branches of government, Civil liberties and civil rights, Citizenship, American political ideologies and beliefs, and Political participation.

Khan Macro Economics: This Macro Economics is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that cover the basics of economics for high schoolers. Unit titles for this course: Basic economics concepts, economics indicators & the business cycle, National income & price determination, Financial sector, Long-run onsequesnces of stabilization policies, Open economy: international trade & finance, Keynesian approaches & IS-LM, and Contemporary macroeconomic issues 

LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism: Literary Criticism provides homeschoolers with a complete language arts high school course. Designed to help prepare students for college level writing, all the writing assignments are based on literature and intended to challenge the student's ability to think critically. Students will be introduced to different methods of literary criticism and given instructions on how to write essays. By the end of the course, the student will have written a short memoir, a college essay, nine five-paragraph essays, three five-page essays, and one ten-page essay.

$293.75 $261.75

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Package SB12C: Thinkwell Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Physical Science, Pandia Press: Ancients, Level 3
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Thinkwell Pre-Calculus Video Course
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science
History & Language Arts- Pandia Press History Odyssey: Ancients, Level 3

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus Video Course

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science lesson plan

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3, curriculum and lesson plan

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science, cost $60

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3 literature titles may be purchased or borrowed from the library.

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Thinkwell Pre-Calculus:  Thinkwell's award-winning Algebra 2 online course will inspire your homeschool student to make lasting, meaningful connections with advanced math concepts through our engaging video tutorials. Because Thinkwell's Algebra 2 has all of the topics required in any typical Algebra 2 textbook or curriculum, you won't need any additional materials. Online exercises with practice problems are delivered with correct answer feedback.

Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science– Magnets, simple machines, and electricity…and you don’t need a math degree to figure it out! Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3 From first civilizations to the fall of Rome, Ancients Level Three is a complete one-year curriculum guide that combines history with literature, world geography, and writing activities. This comprehensive course covers the successes and failures of Ancient civilizations from all parts of the world such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Mayans, the Hittites, the Persians, the Mesopotamians, and many others. Ancients Level Three is a student guide that provides step by step lessons to teach world history from 6000 BCE to CE 500. Level 3 History Odyssey guides are written to be used independently by students with the parent/teacher assisting when necessary with lessons and assessing the student’s completed work. Literature and writing instructions and assignments found in the course include how to read classic literature, how to write a thesis statement, defining epic literature, essay writing, literature matrixes, literary analysis, logic and rhetoric as applied to literature and history readings, producing critical biographies, comprehending literature through storyboards, advanced outlining of history readings, and more. Critical thinking with history studies found in this course include identification of connections and cause/effect relationships, compare and contrast ancient civilizations, timeline analysis, thorough analysis of primary sources including historical speeches and historical political writings, and decertification of connections between geography and history through extensive map work.

Language Arts work is included with Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3
$322.80 $287.80

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Package SB12D: Thinkwell Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Physical Science, Khan Government & Economic Courses, LLATL Gold Book Literary Criticism
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Thinkwell Pre-Calculus Video/Online Course
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science
History- Khan Government & Macro Economics
Language Arts- LLATL: Gold Book Literary Criticism 

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus full curriculum

  • Thinkwell Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Government lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Macro Economics lesson plan

  • LLATL: Gold Book  Literary Ctiticism 

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science, cost $60

  • Khan Online Government course, free

  • Khan Online Economics course, free

  • LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism, cost $22.00

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Thinkwell Pre-Calculus:  Thinkwell's award-winning Algebra 2 online course will inspire your homeschool student to make lasting, meaningful connections with advanced math concepts through our engaging video tutorials. Because Thinkwell's Algebra 2 has all of the topics required in any typical Algebra 2 textbook or curriculum, you won't need any additional materials. Online exercises with practice problems are delivered with correct answer feedback.

Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science: Magnets, simple machines, and electricity…and you don’t need a math degree to figure it out! Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Khan Government & Civics:   This Govt & Civics course is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that covers the basics of government and civics for high-schoolers with both well known, and little known facts and anecdotes.  Unit titles for this course: Foundations of American Democracy, Interactions among branches of government, Civil liberties and civil rights, Citizenship, American political ideologies and beliefs, and Political participation.

Khan Macro Economics: This Macro Economics is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that cover the basics of economics for high schoolers. Unit titles for this course: Basic economics concepts, economics indicators & the business cycle, National income & price determination, Financial sector, Long-run onsequesnces of stabilization policies, Open economy: international trade & finance, Keynesian approaches & IS-LM, and Contemporary macroeconomic issues 

LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism: Literary Criticism provides homeschoolers with a complete language arts high school course. Designed to help prepare students for college level writing, all the writing assignments are based on literature and intended to challenge the student's ability to think critically. Students will be introduced to different methods of literary criticism and given instructions on how to write essays. By the end of the course, the student will have written a short memoir, a college essay, nine five-paragraph essays, three five-page essays, and one ten-page essay.

$29375 $261.75

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Package SB12E: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Earth Science, Pandia Press: Ancients, Level 3
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science
History & Language Arts- Pandia Press History Odyssey: Ancients, Level 3

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science lesson plan

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3, curriculum and lesson plan

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, cost $67.08

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science, cost $60

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3 literature titles may be purchased or borrowed from the library.

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus: A Cathy Duffy Top 102 pick the fantastic Teaching Textbooks courses were designed specifically for homeschoolers in order to solve some of the issues that make math challenging for them. The courses are great for independent study since they are easy for students to use on their own, they require no work on the part of parents, and they are relatively inexpensive for sophisticated, computerized courses.

Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science– Ever wonder what causes fire to burn, or bubbles to form, or whey those leftovers turn into a soupy goo? Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3 From first civilizations to the fall of Rome, Ancients Level Three is a complete one-year curriculum guide that combines history with literature, world geography, and writing activities. This comprehensive course covers the successes and failures of Ancient civilizations from all parts of the world such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Mayans, the Hittites, the Persians, the Mesopotamians, and many others. Ancients Level Three is a student guide that provides step by step lessons to teach world history from 6000 BCE to CE 500. Level 3 History Odyssey guides are written to be used independently by students with the parent/teacher assisting when necessary with lessons and assessing the student’s completed work. Literature and writing instructions and assignments found in the course include how to read classic literature, how to write a thesis statement, defining epic literature, essay writing, literature matrixes, literary analysis, logic and rhetoric as applied to literature and history readings, producing critical biographies, comprehending literature through storyboards, advanced outlining of history readings, and more. Critical thinking with history studies found in this course include identification of connections and cause/effect relationships, compare and contrast ancient civilizations, timeline analysis, thorough analysis of primary sources including historical speeches and historical political writings, and decertification of connections between geography and history through extensive map work.

Language Arts work is included with Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3
$130.80 $127.80

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Package SB12F: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Earth Science, Khan Government & Economic Courses, LLATL Gold Book Literary Criticism
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science
History- Khan Government & Macro Economics
Language Arts- LLATL: Gold Book Literary Criticism 

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Government lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Macro Economics lesson plan

  • LLATL: Gold Book  Literary Ctiticism 

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, cost $67.08

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science, cost $60

  • Khan Online Government course, free

  • Khan Online Economics course, free

  • LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism, cost $22.00

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus: A Cathy Duffy Top 102 pick the fantastic Teaching Textbooks courses were designed specifically for homeschoolers in order to solve some of the issues that make math challenging for them. The courses are great for independent study since they are easy for students to use on their own, they require no work on the part of parents, and they are relatively inexpensive for sophisticated, computerized courses.

Mr. Q's Advanced Earth Science– Ever wonder what causes fire to burn, or bubbles to form, or whey those leftovers turn into a soupy goo? Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Khan Government & Civics:   This Govt & Civics course is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that covers the basics of government and civics for high-schoolers with both well known, and little known facts and anecdotes.  Unit titles for this course: Foundations of American Democracy, Interactions among branches of government, Civil liberties and civil rights, Citizenship, American political ideologies and beliefs, and Political participation.

Khan Macro Economics: This Macro Economics is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that cover the basics of economics for high schoolers. Unit titles for this course: Basic economics concepts, economics indicators & the business cycle, National income & price determination, Financial sector, Long-run onsequesnces of stabilization policies, Open economy: international trade & finance, Keynesian approaches & IS-LM, and Contemporary macroeconomic issues 

LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism: Literary Criticism provides homeschoolers with a complete language arts high school course. Designed to help prepare students for college level writing, all the writing assignments are based on literature and intended to challenge the student's ability to think critically. Students will be introduced to different methods of literary criticism and given instructions on how to write essays. By the end of the course, the student will have written a short memoir, a college essay, nine five-paragraph essays, three five-page essays, and one ten-page essay.


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Package SB12G: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Physical Science, Pandia Press: Ancients, Level 3
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science
History & Language Arts- Pandia Press History Odyssey: Ancients, Level 3

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science lesson plan

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3, curriculum and lesson plan

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, cost $67.08

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science, cost $60

  • Pandia Press History Odyssey Ancients Level 3 literature titles may be purchased or borrowed from the library.

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.


Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus: A Cathy Duffy Top 102 pick the fantastic Teaching Textbooks courses were designed specifically for homeschoolers in order to solve some of the issues that make math challenging for them. The courses are great for independent study since they are easy for students to use on their own, they require no work on the part of parents, and they are relatively inexpensive for sophisticated, computerized courses.

Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science– Magnets, simple machines, and electricity…and you don’t need a math degree to figure it out! Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3 From first civilizations to the fall of Rome, Ancients Level Three is a complete one-year curriculum guide that combines history with literature, world geography, and writing activities. This comprehensive course covers the successes and failures of Ancient civilizations from all parts of the world such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Mayans, the Hittites, the Persians, the Mesopotamians, and many others. Ancients Level Three is a student guide that provides step by step lessons to teach world history from 6000 BCE to CE 500. Level 3 History Odyssey guides are written to be used independently by students with the parent/teacher assisting when necessary with lessons and assessing the student’s completed work. Literature and writing instructions and assignments found in the course include how to read classic literature, how to write a thesis statement, defining epic literature, essay writing, literature matrixes, literary analysis, logic and rhetoric as applied to literature and history readings, producing critical biographies, comprehending literature through storyboards, advanced outlining of history readings, and more. Critical thinking with history studies found in this course include identification of connections and cause/effect relationships, compare and contrast ancient civilizations, timeline analysis, thorough analysis of primary sources including historical speeches and historical political writings, and decertification of connections between geography and history through extensive map work.

Language Arts work is included with Pandia Press: History Odyssey Ancients, Level 3
$130.80 $127.80

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Package SB12H: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, Mr. Q’s Advanced Physical Science, Khan Government & Economic Courses, LLATL Gold Book Literary Criticism
More Info
Curriculum Selections for this Package

Math- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus
Science- Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science
History- Khan Government & Macro Economics
Language Arts- LLATL: Gold Book Literary Criticism 

INCLUDED in this package:
Descriptions for products can be found below and are hyperlinked for more information.

  • One Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

  • The Homeschool Like an Expert: Video Series

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus lesson plan

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Government lesson plan

  • Khan Academy Macro Economics lesson plan

  • LLATL: Gold Book  Literary Ctiticism 

Items you will need to purchase separately from this package:
Your receipt and follow up emails will include complete directions and direct links to purchase the curriculum from our retail partners needed to complete this package.

  • Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus, cost $67.08

  • Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science, cost $60

  • Khan Online Government course, free

  • Khan Online Economics course, free

  • LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism, cost $22.00

Product Descriptions:
Each title below is hyperlinked to provide additional information.

Teaching Textbooks Pre-Calculus: A Cathy Duffy Top 102 pick the fantastic Teaching Textbooks courses were designed specifically for homeschoolers in order to solve some of the issues that make math challenging for them. The courses are great for independent study since they are easy for students to use on their own, they require no work on the part of parents, and they are relatively inexpensive for sophisticated, computerized courses.

Mr. Q's Advanced Physical Science: Magnets, simple machines, and electricity…and you don’t need a math degree to figure it out! Mr. Q writes these books with humor and comics mixed in, which is great and makes science even more fun. The level of Mr Qs Classic Science is meant for the high school aged students, offering them more in-depth concepts and a deeper understanding in each subject. There are also weekly review questions, quizzes and 4 Quarterly Tests and a “Lab Notes” monthly newsletter that includes experiments and other science related things.

Khan Government & Civics:   This Govt & Civics course is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that covers the basics of government and civics for high-schoolers with both well known, and little known facts and anecdotes.  Unit titles for this course: Foundations of American Democracy, Interactions among branches of government, Civil liberties and civil rights, Citizenship, American political ideologies and beliefs, and Political participation.

Khan Macro Economics: This Macro Economics is a free course from Khan Academy. It is a one semester class that cover the basics of economics for high schoolers. Unit titles for this course: Basic economics concepts, economics indicators & the business cycle, National income & price determination, Financial sector, Long-run onsequesnces of stabilization policies, Open economy: international trade & finance, Keynesian approaches & IS-LM, and Contemporary macroeconomic issues 

LLATL: Gold Book Series Literary Criticism: Literary Criticism provides homeschoolers with a complete language arts high school course. Designed to help prepare students for college level writing, all the writing assignments are based on literature and intended to challenge the student's ability to think critically. Students will be introduced to different methods of literary criticism and given instructions on how to write essays. By the end of the course, the student will have written a short memoir, a college essay, nine five-paragraph essays, three five-page essays, and one ten-page essay.


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