
  • BJU Press Literature lesson plan button for homeschool planet

    BJU Press British Literature, 3rd ed


    Click here for the BJU Press British Literature, 3rd ed curriculum BJU Press’ British Literature Subject Kit. 3rd ed. prepares students for the rigors of reading and critical thinking at the college level. They will broaden their cultural literacy and sharpen their sensitivity to aesthetics within the God-given gifts of language and storytelling. Most importantly,…

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  • Sale! Homeschool Planet Daily Skill Building Spelling lesson plans and curriculum button

    Daily Skill Building: Spelling 3 (2nd ed)

    Original price was: $21.90.Current price is: $19.95.
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  • Homeschool Planner DK Language Arts Workbooks lesson plans button

    DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Second Grade

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  • Homeschool Planner DK Science Workbooks lesson plans button

    DK Workbooks: Science: Third Grade


    Click here for the DK Workbooks: Science: Third Grade curriculum Supplement and reinforce your 3rd grader’s classwork with DK Workbooks: Science! Fun and easily connected to your student’s school curriculum, this workbook will help reinforce scientific knowledge of anatomy, vertebrates and invertebrates, photosynthesis, the solar system, the elements, gravity, mass and heat. This 3rd grade…

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  • Homeschool Planner ACSI Spelling lesson plans button

    ACSI: Purposeful Design Spelling Plus- Grade 4


    Click here for the ACSI: Purposeful Design Spelling Plus- Grade 4 curriculum The Elementary Spelling Plus Grade 4 Student Edition teaches students grade-appropriate spelling words such as model, honest, soccer, tropical, doctor, oxygen, positive, comprehend, and more through a yearly theme. Lessons are designed to take approximately 30-40 minutes, five days per week and in…

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  • Homeschool Planner ACSI Science lesson plans button

    ACSI: Purposeful Design- Earth & Space Science


    Click here for the ACSI: Purposeful Design- Earth & Space Science curriculum ACSI’s Earth and Space Science textbook will get students excited to learn about the science behind the world they live in. This hardcover student text covers earth science, minerals, types of rocks, the structure of the earth, weathering and erosion, soil, crust movement,…

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  • Homeschool Planner DK Geography Workbooks lesson plans button

    DK Workbooks: Geography: Third Grade


    Click here for the DK Workbooks: Geography: Third Grade curriculum Ensure your students know their way around a map with DK Geography Workbooks! This supplemental resource provides grade-appropriate reinforcement. Grade 3 topics provide extra practice to sharpen geography knowledge; topics including latitude and longitude, biomes, natural resources, maps through history, Alaska & Hawaii, and major…

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  • Homeschool Planet Zaner-Bloser GUM: Grammar, Usage & Mechanics lesson plans button

    Zaner-Bloser GUM, Grade 5

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  • Homeschool Planet Zaner-Bloser GUM: Grammar, Usage & Mechanics lesson plans button

    Zaner-Bloser GUM, Grade 4

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  • ACSI Mathematics lesson plans for Homeschool Planet cover image

    ACSI Mathematics Grade – 5


    Click here for the ACSI Mathematics Grade – 5 curriculum ACSI’s Purposeful Design Mathematics Grade 5 student worktext has been fully updated and features new, bright, fresh, and engaging illustrations and imagery. This grade 5 text features units on place value, adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing decimals, multiplication up to 3-digit factors, divisors, integers, adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions, measurement, graphs and…

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  • ACSI Mathematics lesson plans for Homeschool Planet cover image

    ACSI Mathematics Grade – 3


    Click here for the ACSI Mathematics Grade – 3 curriculum ACSI’s Purposeful Design Mathematics Grade 3 student worktext has been fully updated and features new, bright, fresh, and engaging illustrations and imagery. This Grade 3 text features units on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts and problems, geometry, measurement, fractions, decimals, time and…

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  • Homeschool Planet Evan-Moor Spelling & Vocabulary Series lesson plans button

    A Word A Day – Grade 1


    Click here for the A Word A Day – Grade 1 curriculum Each week, four new words are presented with a definition, sample sentence, and discussion prompts (one per day). The fifth day is used for an end-of week review that reviews the four previously-learned words through oral & written review exercises. A reproducible student…

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