
  • Homeschool Planet Evan-Moor Composition & Editing Series lesson plans button

    Daily Paragraph Editing – Grade 5


    Click here for the Daily Paragraph Editing – Grade 5 curriculum Daily Paragraph Editing is a supplemental workbook series designed to help students master and retain grade-appropriate editing skills. Daily worksheets are included; Monday-Thursday activities include individual paragraphs that include errors of capitalization, language usage, punctuation, spelling, and other common mistakes; on Friday, lessons consist…

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  • Homeschool Planet Evan-Moor Composition & Editing Series lesson plans button

    Daily Paragraph Editing – Grade 3


    Click here for the Daily Paragraph Editing – Grade 3 curriculum Daily Paragraph Editing is a supplemental workbook series designed to help students master and retain grade-appropriate editing skills. Daily worksheets are included; Monday-Thursday activities include individual paragraphs that include errors of capitalization, language usage, punctuation, spelling, and other common mistakes; on Friday, lessons consist…

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  • Homeschool Planet A Reason for Science lesson plans button

    A Reason for Science Level F


    Click here for the A Reason for Science Level F curriculum Now packaged as one all-inclusive, kit A Reason for Science includes everything necessary for a year’s worth of scientific discovery. The full-color, 36-lesson, student workbook is designed to develop critical thinking skills; each week, students begin with a hands-on activity demonstrating a key science…

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  • Homeschool Planet A Reason for Science lesson plans button

    A Reason for Science Level E


    Click here for the A Reason for Science Level E curriculum Now packaged as one all-inclusive, kit A Reason for Science includes everything necessary for a year’s worth of scientific discovery. The full-color, 36-lesson, student workbook is designed to develop critical thinking skills; each week, students begin with a hands-on activity demonstrating a key science…

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  • Homeschool Planet A Reason for Science lesson plans button

    A Reason for Science Level B


    Click here for the A Reason for Science Level B curriculum Now packaged as one all-inclusive, kit A Reason for Science includes everything necessary for a year’s worth of scientific discovery. The full-color, 36-lesson, student workbook is designed to develop critical thinking skills; each week, students begin with a hands-on activity demonstrating a key science…

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  • Sale! Homeschool Planet IXL Core Subjects lesson plans and curriculum button

    IXL Core Subject 1 Year Subscription for 4 Users with 4 FREE Basic Lesson Plans

    Original price was: $282.96.Current price is: $279.00.

    IXL Core Subject Subscription for the IXL subjects Math, Language Arts, Science AND Social Studies for 4 Users. Math and Language Arts for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade Science and Social Studies for grades 2nd through 8th Also included are 4 basic Homeschool Planet lesson plans~ IXL is an amazing adaptive program to help students…

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  • Sale! Homeschool Planet IXL Core Subjects lesson plans and curriculum button

    IXL Core Subject 1 Year Subscription for 3 Users with 4 FREE Basic Lesson Plans

    Original price was: $242.96.Current price is: $239.00.

    IXL Core Subject Subscription for the IXL subjects Math, Language Arts, Science AND Social Studies for 3 Users. Math and Language Arts for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade Science and Social Studies for grades 2nd through 8th Also included are 4 basic Homeschool Planet lesson plans~ IXL is an amazing adaptive program to help students…

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  • Homeschool Planet IXL Core Subjects curriculum button

    IXL Core Subject 1 Year Subscription for 4 Users


    IXL Core Subject Subscription for the IXL subjects Math, Language Arts, Science AND Social Studies for 4 Users Math and Language Arts for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade Science and Social Studies for grades 2nd through 8th  

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  • Homeschool Planet IXL Core Subjects curriculum button

    IXL Core Subject 1 Year Subscription for 3 Users


    IXL Core Subject Subscription for the IXL subjects Math, Language Arts, Science AND Social Studies for 3 Users Math and Language Arts for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade Science and Social Studies for grades 2nd through 8th  

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  • Sale! Homeschool Planet Compu-Scholar lesson plans and curriculum button

    Web Design Subscription and Lesson Plan Combo

    Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $95.95.

    Web Design Subscription and Lesson Plan Combo includes: The CompuScholar Web Design course teaches students how to create their own web pages using HTML and CSS. This course covers fundamental web design skills such as: Basic web site layout HTML5 symbols and elements Text styles Hyperlinks and navigation bars CSS effects, spacing and positioning Graphics…

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  • Sale! Homeschool Planet Compu-Scholar curriculum button

    Web Design One Year Subscription

    Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $90.00.

    The CompuScholar Web Design course teaches students how to create their own web pages using HTML and CSS. This course covers fundamental web design skills such as: Basic web site layout HTML5 symbols and elements Text styles Hyperlinks and navigation bars CSS effects, spacing and positioning Graphics and image editing Tables Page design principles Dynamic…

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  • Sale! Homeschool Planet Thinkwell Electives lesson plans and curriculum button

    Thinkwell Honors Public Speaking Curriculum and Lesson Plan Combo

    Original price was: $108.95.Current price is: $98.95.

    Included in this Thinkwell Honors Public Speaking Curriculum and Lesson Plan Combo: Thinkwell’s Honors Public Speaking Curriculum: Thinkwell’s Honors Public Speaking is an indispensable high school elective. Fear of giving speeches or talking to small crowds is legendary, but that fear subsides when you gain the confidence and knowledge to construct and deliver your thoughts…

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