Click here for the Analytical Grammar, Level 2 (Mechanics) curriculum Analytical Grammar Level 2: Mechanics provides guidelines for punctuation, capitalization, and usage rules. Topics include correct comma usage (items in a series, compound sentences, etc.), comma splits, direct quotations, possessives, pronouns-antecedent agreement, subject-verb agreement, identifying adjectives and adverbs, transitive and intransitive verbs, and more. The…
Click here for the Art Core 4: Painting with Acrylics curriculum Art Core 4: Painting with Acrylics is an intermediate course that helps student take their understanding of color theory to the next level. Students will practice color principles, with a focus on learning to see and use the values of colors to render form….
Click here for the ARTistic Pursuits: Art in America (Grades K-3, Volume 8) curriculum Volume 8: Art in America features drawings and paintings by American artists in the 18th through 20th centuries, with a focus on Modern Art. Textbook lessons feature artwork by Audubon, Winslow Homer, Max Weber, Arthur Davies, and more as well as…
You can find the curriculum for this Novare Science from Memoria Press lesson plan by clicking on the image below. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the Map Trek V. 5 US Edition curriculum Here is the geography resource that you been waiting for to use with your favorite history curriculum! Master Books Map Trek Atlas and Map Trek: Outlines (Student Activities) contain over 200 full-color maps, divided into four periods of time: Ancient World, Medieval World, New…
Click here for the Map Trek V. 2 Medieval World curriculum Here is the geography resource that you been waiting for to use with your favorite history curriculum! Master Books Map Trek Atlas and Map Trek: Outlines (Student Activities) contain over 200 full-color maps, divided into four periods of time: Ancient World, Medieval World, New…