
  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    St. Bartholomew’s Eve: A Tale of the Reformation Wars in France (1572)


    St. Bartholomew’s Eve: A Tale of the Reformation Wars in France (1572)~ The Catholic forces in France attempt to crush the Protestants. Setting: AD 1570-72, France, the Roman Catholic / Calvinist Protestant religious wars Setting: On August 24, 1572, more than 2000 French Huguenots – men, women, and children – were massacred for their faith….

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    Out on the Pampas: A Tale of Young Settlers in Argentina (1850s)


    Out on the Pampas: A Tale of Young Settlers in Argentina (1850s)~ The Hardy family relocates to Argentina trying to start a new life. Date: 1850’s Location: Argentina! Out on the Pampas was the exciting story overheard by a friend who encouraged Mr. Henty to have it published, launching his amazing career as “The Boy’s…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    Friends Though Divided: A Tale of Cromwell and the English Civil War (1642-1651)


    Friends Though Divided: A Tale of Cromwell and the English Civil War (1642-1651)~ A balanced tale of the English Civil War. Date: 1642-1651 Location: England, Ireland, Bermuda It’s the time of the English Civil War in 1642. Harry Furness is a Cavalier fighting for the King; his friend Herbert Rippinghall sides with the Roundheads in…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    A Knight of the White Cross: A Tale of the Siege of Rhodes (1470-1480)


    A Knight of the White Cross: A Tale of the Siege of Rhodes (1470-1480)~ The Knights of St. John defend the island of Rhodes. Setting: The Mediterranean from 1470-1480. Story: The story begins during the War of the Roses in England, but our hero, Gervaise Tresham soon joins the Knights of St. John in Rhodes….

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    A March on London: Wat Tyler and the Peasant Rebellion (1381)


    A March on London: Wat Tyler and the Peasant Rebellion (1381)~ Wat Tyler leads a peasant revolt against incredible repression. Date: 1381 Location: England In 1381, Wat, the Tyler, and the peasants he represented, urged of the King of England that serfdom should be abolished, the right of all to market their goods publicly be…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    St. George for England:– A Tale of Cressy, Poitiers, The Black Prince and the 100 Years’ War (1337-1453)


    No portion of English history is more crowded with great events than the 100 Years’ War from 1337-1453 under King Edward III and his son, the “Black Prince.”  The Battles of Cressy and Poitiers; the destruction of the Spanish fleet; the plague of the Black Death; and the Jacquerie rising are vividly related in this…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    Winning His Spurs: A Tale of the Crusades (1188-1192)


    Winning His Spurs: A Tale of the Crusades (1188-1192)~ Richard the Lion-Hearted leads a Crusade to the Holy Land. Setting: AD 1190 – King Richard the Lion-hearted – Europe and the Middle East – 3rd Crusade to the Hold Land. Story: Mr. Henty weaves a story of the life and times of King Richard the…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    Under Drake’s Flag: A Tale of the Spanish Main (1580)


    Under Drake’s Flag: A Tale of the Spanish Main (1580)~ Sir Francis Drake circumnavigates the globe. Setting: AD 1580 – Sailing ships, The Inquisition – Circumnavigation of the Globe. Story: With hearty singing of Psalms, Drake and his crew greeted the Pomo Indians who resided in an area known today as San Francisco. Sir Francis…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    True to the Old Flag (1774-1781)


    True to the Old Flag – (1774-81) The American Revolution, from an Englishman’s point of view! Setting: AD 1775-1783 – American Revolutionary War, U. S. History Story: The Battles of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, The Declaration of Independence, Washington Crossing the Delaware, Saratoga, and the final surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown – these are…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    Through The Fray: The Luddite Riots and the Industrial Revolution (1812)


    Through The Fray: The Luddite Riots and the Industrial Revolution (1812)~ The Industrial Revolution sparks the Luddite Rebellion. The story is laid in Yorkshire in 1812, when the introduction of machinery and high price of food induced by the Napoleonic Wars, drove the working-classes to desperation, and caused them to band themselves in that wide-spread…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    Captain Bayley’s Heir: A Tale of the California Gold Mines (1850s)


    Captain Bayley’s Heir: A Tale of the California Gold Mines (1850s)~ Find adventure and riches in the California Gold Fields. Setting: Frank Norris, accused of theft and unable to prove his innocence, leaves for excitement and adventure in the California Gold Fields of 1850’s America. He sails the Atlantic, braves a storm while working as…

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  • Homeschool Planet Jim Hodges Audiobooks lesson plans and curriculum button

    By Right of Conquest: Cortez Conquers the Aztec Nation (1521)


    By Right of Conquest: Cortez Conquers the Aztec Nation (1521)~ Cortez conquers the Aztecs with a mere handful of Spaniards. Setting: AD 1518-1523 – Sailing ships, Conquest of Aztec Empire in Mexico, Central America. Story: The conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hernando Cortez and a mere handful of Spaniards is one of the greatest…

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