Click here for the Elevate Science, Grade 5 curriculum Elevate Science will help your students take their science education to the next level! This K-8 program is built around active, student-initiated experiences. Students work to figure out solutions to problems posed in thematic lessons. Assessment is built into the curriculum through lesson checks plus end-of-topic…
Click here for the Writing & Rhetoric Book 6: Commonplace curriculum Disclosure: These links affiliate links. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the Building Spelling Skills: Book 4, 2nd ed. curriculum Christian values, uplifting quotes, and reminders to pray for help or thankfulness are noteworthy elements of this spelling workbook. Phonics principles presented instruct children how to spell words with suffixes -tion and -ion, silent e words, word endings, words with ch sounds, spelling…
Click here for the Writing with Skill, Level 3 curriculum Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the BJU Press Science 1 Homeschool Kit (4th Edition) curriculum BJU Press’ Science 1 Subject Kit. 4th ed. introduces the student to what science is and what scientists do. The student learns to defend the truth that God created all things and sustains their existence; to explain how the design of living…
Click here for the Daily 6-Trait Writing – Grade 3 curriculum 25 weeks of mini-lessons focus on ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, and voice, as well as the 6th trait, conventions. Each week focuses on a specific skill within the primary trait and a convention skill. Divided between the teacher’s guide section and the…
Click here for the Latin for Children, Primer C curriculum Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the A Reason for Science Level G curriculum Now packaged as one all-inclusive, kit A Reason for Science includes everything necessary for a year’s worth of scientific discovery. The full-color, 36-lesson, student workbook is designed to develop critical thinking skills; each week, students begin with a hands-on activity demonstrating a key science…
Click here for the WW II & The Rest of the Story (Rev. Ed) (2005) curriculum Gain a complete understanding of the players involved in World War II; stepping far away from the glory-filled praises of the Allies during World War II, “Uncle Eric” recounts the atrocities committed by Stalin (who killed twice as many people…
Click here for the WW I & The Rest of the Story (Rev. Ed) with Study Guide (2005) curriculum Writing in the epistolary style of other “Uncle Eric” books, Richard Maybury breaks down the influences, causes, and effects of World War I in easily digestable letters. Looking at neutrality, fascism, The “Old War” cycle of wars,…