
How to Choose the Best Homeschool Math Option for Your Family

If there is one subject that most frequently feels a little overwhelming for homeschool families, it’s math.

This subject can be tricky to navigate because many of us didn’t love our own math education, or simply because we don’t feel confident teaching math skills. But with so many terrific math programs available on the market today, there is no reason to feel stressed.

choosing a math curriculum for your family

How To Choose The Best Math Curriculum For Your Family

This article explains how to choose the best math program for your unique homeschool family, including how to choose between our ReadyMade School math offerings.

Do I Need to Choose One Math Program for the Long-Haul?

That brings up an interesting factor to consider: Some homeschool families find a math program that works for their family, and they choose to stick with it for as long as they homeschool.

Other families find that they like certain math programs for the early grade school years, and then maybe in the middle grades or in high school, they transition to another program.

A lot of this decision has to do with the parent’s comfort level with teaching math. As student progress through the grades, parents may choose to make use of math programs that offer more support, or even online programs led by math experts.

It’s also important to consider that some companies specialize in lower level math or higher level math, so it may be necessary to switch curricula at some point in your homeschool journey.

Using Technology and Online Math Resources

There are many secular and faith-based homeschool math programs that use technology or offer online classes, either live or self-paced.

These kinds of programs tend to work best for older students who require less supervision and parent assistance.

Often, parents make use of online classes or technology based programs to help their children learn advanced math. 

A few online- and technology-based math programs include Teaching Textbooks, Thinkwell Math and Math Mammoth’s Digital program.

Using Math Workbooks

Many families love the convenience of using math workbooks, like those available from Math Mammoth.

Many homeschool math companies offer math workbooks that include lessons and explanations of math concepts, making this kind of “workbook,” an all in one resource.

Families homeschooling many children and other busy families often choose math workbooks as a way to keep math organized, sequential and to keep all students working at their appropriate level without tons of extra work for Mom or Dad.

Choosing a Hands-On Math Program

Some students really benefit from making math a hands-on subject.

Whether it’s using manipulatives for counting, playing math games or using manipulatives like clocks to learn about telling time, there are a lot of great options for those seeking a hands-on math program.

Using manipulatives for math can be especially helpful with younger children, helping them to make abstract math concepts feel concrete.

A few hands-on math programs include RightStart Math and Math-U-See.

Utilizing Reusable Math Resources for Siblings

On the other hand, plenty of families prefer to invest in reusable resources, especially if they know that growing siblings have similar learning styles to their big brothers or sisters.

If parents are willing to make an initial investment, a program with lots of manipulatives like RightStart Math can be a wise choice.

Once parents have purchased a reusable curriculum, they may have to replace a few small materials from year to year, but most of what they need can be reused in their homeschools for years to come. 

What About Math Learning Styles?

Another consideration when choosing a math program is that even in the same family, sometimes kids learn differently. 

That means what works for Big Brother may not work well for Little Sister, and vice-versa.

So before investing in a homeschool math program, take some time to learn about learning styles, and consider what kind of math curriculum options would be best for each child in your family.

A Math Program That Works for YOU

And finally, you are the one teaching, so take some time to consider not just what will appeal to your kids most in a math program, but think about the day-to-day of using different math programs.

  • Do you have time to organize math manipulatives before and after lessons?
  • What is your comfort level with online learning?
  • Do you have storage for a lot of math supplies, or would workbooks be a better option?
  • How much time do you have each day to devote to math lessons, prep and each of your children’s math programs.
  • And do you feel overwhelmed by algebra, geometry, or another level of math? If so, consider online options where an experienced teacher does the teaching.

Choosing a program that YOU, the homeschool parent, likes makes a huge difference in keeping math sustainable in a busy homeschool. 

readymade school

ReadyMade School: Choose a Math Program Now

Now that you’re ready to choose a math program as part of your ReadyMade School complete homeschool curriculum, head to our ReadyMade School page.

Select a faith-based or secular/neutral curriculum option for your child’s grade level.

Then, you’ll then be prompted to choose between two math programs.

ReadyMade Math Summary

Let’s recap what to consider as you make your final decision for math this year:

  • Do I want a hands-on math option?
  • Do I want to make use of technology or digital learning for math?
  • Would math workbooks work well for my family?
  • Do I want to invest in a reusable math curriculum?
  • What kind of math would work best for my child’s learning style?
  • What type of math program would help me best teach my children?

And finally, remember that you don’t have to choose a math program this year that you will use forever. Many families make curriculum switches at some point during homeschooling, so try to choose the program that will set you up for success this homeschool year and this year only!