Click here for the BJU Press Triumph of Christ curriculum BJU Press’ Bible 9: The Triumph of Christ Curriculum Kit. provides students with a brief commentary on Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. Using grade-appropriate language throughout, the textbook traces the origin and development of the church in Acts, the doctrinal arguments in the Epistles, and…
Click here for the BJU Press Bible Doctrines curriculum Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the BJU Press World History curriculum BJU Press’ World History Subject Kit. 5th ed. includes teaching strategies and formative assessments, aligned with educational objectives, to be used as tools to help teachers to develop critical thinking skills. Suggested discussion topics and questions guide teachers through the key themes and handling of primary…
Click here for the BJU Press United States History curriculum United States History (5th Edition) Student Text takes the student on a journey beginning with European contact with American Indians and ending with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Along the journey, the course highlights major historical events that have shaped American history, inviting students to…
Click here for the BJU Press Biology Student Text, Fourth Edition (Grade 10) curriculum In the Biology Student Text, students will see God’s power and glory in creation as they learn about cellular biology, genetics, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, and human anatomy. When studying topics such as Creation and evolution, human cloning, abortion, and stem…
Click here for BJU Press Biology (6th Edition; Grade 10) curriculum The BJU Press Biology Homeschool Kit (6th Edition; Grade 10) course equips students to ethically engage in biological inquiry and to recognize life’s design, homeostasis, and conservation from a biblical worldview. Students will be able to discuss the process of homeostasis to biological structures at…