You can purchase the curriculum for this lesson plan, Around California With Children’s Books by Beautiful Feet Books, here. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
Click here for the ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Graphite Pencils (Beginner Level, Art Core 1) curriculum Art Core 1: Drawing with Graphite Pencils is a beginner course that gives students their first in-depth look at the elements of art and using art materials and tools, learning how to hold the pencil at different angles to…
Click here for the Painting with Watercolor Pencils curriculum Art Core 2: Painting with Watercolor Pencils is a beginner course in which students will start to learn color theory and watercolor painting techniques, exploring color mixing and color combinations and practicing with using brushes to create washes, hard and soft edges, tinting and shading, lines…
Click here for the ARTistic Pursuits: Drawing with Graded Graphite Pencils curriculum Art Core 3: Drawing with Graded Graphite Pencils is an intermediate art course that helps students to advance in the foundational principles of art as they explore the ideas of Western and Eastern cultures. Elements of art and compositional arrangements are studied in…
Click here for the Art Core 4: Painting with Acrylics curriculum Art Core 4: Painting with Acrylics is an intermediate course that helps student take their understanding of color theory to the next level. Students will practice color principles, with a focus on learning to see and use the values of colors to render form….
$41.70Original price was: $41.70.$24.95Current price is: $24.95.
Lesson Plan Package includes~ Art Core 1, Drawing with Graphite Pencils Art Core 2, Painting with Watercolor Pencils Art Core 3, Drawing with Graded Graphite Pencils Art Core 4: Painting with Acrylics Art Core 5, Drawing with Water-soluble & Graphite Pencils Art Core 6, Painting with Watercolors
Science Shepherd Astronomy: God’s Universe is a Christian curriculum for homeschool, recommended for upper-elementary to middle school grades. Featuring age-appropriate video-based lessons with integrated workbook and practical activities, topics explored in Astronomy: God’s Universe include the sun, planets, solar system, galaxies and nebula, astronomy in the Bible and more. Both Levels feature a special focus on discussing…
You can purchase this excellent literature, Augustus Caesar’s World, by Beautiful Feet Books, here. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information.
$49.75Original price was: $49.75.$28.95Current price is: $28.95.
Lesson Plans Package includes~ Beast Academy Level 1, single year plan Beast Academy Level 2, single year plan Beast Academy Level 3, single year plan Beast Academy Level 4, single year plan Beast Academy Level 5, single year plan