Homeschool Planet Birds in Our Backyard lesson plans and curriculum button

Birds in Our Back Yard

With this lesson plan for Homeschool Planet and the Birds in Our Back Yard book, introduce your children to the wonderful world of birds and give them a greater understanding of our environment in the process. They will have fun, connect with the natural world, and make many fascinating discoveries.

This lesson plan will teach your children to become more observant, to research, and to learn about our most well-known birds. They will make a nature diary, increase their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, hone their artistic and practical skills and begin what will hopefully be a lifelong journey to learn more about the birds who share our environment.

What You Get:

  • The complete PDF of the book Birds in Our Back Yard, divided into ten parts, and featuring fifteen separate lessons and fifteen "birds of the day".
  • One-click access to the book, bonus PDFs, links to supplemental websites, quizzes and ideas for practical/craftwork, teacher notes for each lesson, and a Certificate of Achievement.
  • Automatic rescheduling of assignments when "life happens".
  • Checkboxes for your students to check off as they complete their assignments, providing them with a sense of accomplishment and a permanent record of their achievement.
  • Automatic lesson plan updates as needed, with enhancements, link updates, etc.
    Note: You decide whether to apply the updates. 

Important: Items with downloadable curriculum included are not returnable for any reason. 

Please also note: This lesson plan is subject to copyright laws and cannot be used beyond those in your household. By “household” we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. You may reach us with any questions at

Birds in Our Back Yard For Grades 4 - 6

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