Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals
Seamlessly add your Language Fundamentals curriculum from Evan-Moor Educational Publishers to your homeschool schedule with these lesson plans for use with your Homeschool Planet subscription. Each page in Language Fundamentals features student-friendly activities designed to help master third-grade grammar, mechanics, usage, and vocabulary skills. Concepts covered include sentence fragments, possessive nouns, adjectives, end marks, negatives, and more. Review pages provide test-prep and may be used as an assessment, while editing pages give students practical experience finding and correcting common errors.
Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals and Homeschool Planet
These lesson plans applied within your Homeschool Planet planner will help you stay on track in your Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals course.
What’s Included:
- 1 year lesson plan, covering all the assignments for your Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals curriculum.
- Language Fundamentals Lesson Plan Package includes all 6 Language Fundamentals lesson plans!
- Check boxes for your students to check off as they complete their assignments, giving them a sense of accomplishment and you a permanent record of their achievement.
- Automatic rescheduling of assignments when “life happens”
- “Daily Digest” email reminders to help you and your child stay on track
- Grade tracking to recognize or reward completion of work.
- Attendance records for states where this is required.
- Extensive reports to help you manage grades, attendance, activities, and more.
- Automatic lesson plan updates as needed, with enhancements, link updates, etc.
- You decide whether to apply ongoing updates.
- Curriculum is not included and should be purchased separately. Links are provided to purchase curriculum when available.
Please note: These lesson plans are subject to copyright laws and cannot be used beyond those in your household. By “household” we mean a person or persons sharing the same single family housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium. You may reach us with any questions at support@homeschoolplanet.com.
Click the images below to see a sample of the lesson plan
Language Fundamentals (2016) Lesson Plan Package For Grades 1 - 6
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Language Fundamentals Lesson Plan Package Includes~
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 1 (2016) Language Fundamentals, Gr. 2 (2016) Language Fundamentals, Gr. 3 (2016) Language Fundamentals, Gr. 4 (2016) Language Fundamentals, Gr. 5 (2016) Language Fundamentals, Gr. 6 (2016) ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$29.70 | $12.95 | |
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 1 (2016) For Grade 1
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This grade 1 workbook covers printing all upper and lower-case letters (in both Modern and Traditional Manuscript), identifying nouns, using common nouns, using proper nouns, identifying and using adjectives, using possessive pronouns, using present/past/future tense verbs, forming complete sentences, using apostrophes in contractions, using context for clues to the meaning of a word, and more. An answer key (reduced size student pages with answers overlaid) is included. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$4.95 | ||
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 2 (2016) For Grade 2
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Each page in Language Fundamentals features student-friendly activities designed to help master second-grade grammar, mechanics, usage, and vocabulary skills. Concepts covered include complete sentences, nouns, pronouns, capitalization, synonyms & antonyms, and more. Answer key includes reduced student pages with overlaid answers. Grade 2. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$4.95 | ||
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 3 (2016) For Grade 3
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Each page in Language Fundamentals features student-friendly activities designed to help master third-grade grammar, mechanics, usage, and vocabulary skills. Concepts covered include sentence fragments, possessive nouns, adjectives, end marks, negatives, and more. Answer key includes reduced student pages with overlaid answers. Grade 3. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$4.95 | ||
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 4 (2016) For Grade 4
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This grade 4 workbook covers: common, proper, & possessive nouns; prepositional phrases; present, past, future, & present progressive tense verbs; subject-verb agreement, types of sentences, capitalization, abbreviations, commas, quotation marks, end marks, double negatives, definite and indefinite articles, frequently confused words, synonyms, antonyms, base words, prefixes, suffixes, word meaning , editing paragraphs and more. An answer key (reduced size student pages with answers overlaid) is included. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$4.95 | ||
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 5 (2016) For Grade 5
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This grade 5 workbook covers the parts of speech, prepositions, sentences, capitalization, abbreviations, punctuation marks, correcting double negatives, vocabulary, and more. An answer key (reduced size student pages with answers overlaid) is included. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$4.95 | ||
Language Fundamentals, Gr. 6 (2016) For Grade 6
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This grade 6 workbook covers the parts of speech, writing types of sentences, capitalization, abbreviations, punctuation marks, usage, vocabulary, how to look up words using reference materials, and more. An answer key (reduced size student pages with answers overlaid) is included. Disclosure: This is an “affiliate link.” This means we may garner a small commission at no cost to you if you choose to make a purchase. Read our full Affiliate Disclosure Statement for more information. ©Evan-Moor Corporation~ This has been published by arrangement with Evan-Moor Corporation, USA. |
$4.95 |