Online Family Schedules, All in One Place
I think that moms should get a degree in juggling.
We juggle home life, mom life, being a wife, and for some of us working from home; we should be considered part of a circus juggling act. Do you ever wonder how we manage to do it?
Sometimes it’s just too much and we let a ball drop, or two. Keeping track of all your family members, especially as the kids get older, can seem like a winless battle. Wouldn’t it be nice to organize your family schedules all in one place?
As an adult, I have always been really organized. Order in my life brought me joy. Things were always so crazy around me that I liked to come home to peace and cleanliness—and enjoyed a neat desk. Once I finally was able to work from home and homeschool, things pretty much were flipped upside down. It was a shocker for me. Why weren’t things perfect like I imagined they would be?
I thought things would be amazing once I was able to stay home with my kids, but staying home opened up the door to more responsibility and more time to do more. It was tough. People came out of the woodworks asking if I could take them places or babysit their kids, we had doctor’s appointments, chores, grocery shopping, co-op, and I was torn in all different types of directions.
Managing All Of Your Family’s Calendars, All In One Place
Keeping our family’s schedule straight can feel impossible at times, it seemed that way for me for a while. We, as busy families, could use a tool that has everything we need, when we need it and all in one place. I found one that works perfectly for my family and I know it can do the same for yours.
Homeschool Planet’s online planner can manage your home, school, and work schedules and—it’s also available 24/7/365.
Once I discovered all I could do with Homeschool Planet to organize my day, weeks, month, and year, I was hooked. I use a paper planner for meeting notes and to jot down ideas for my freelance business, but Homeschool Planet’s planner online is what I use to schedule my work appointments, deadlines, homeschool assignments, and everything else with my home.
You can access Homeschool Planet from any smart device, making it easily accessible and adjustable for busy days. At the beginning of the year you can schedule the whole framework for your next 365 days, then adjust it for your children’s classes, assignments, chores, field trips, sports practice, doctor appointments, and music classes all in ONE convenient location.
Separate Log-Ins For Each Family Member
Although Homeschool Planet’s online planner can be accessed all online, each family member has a separate login where you choose what they can view and edit. We often use the Mobile Version on our phones to know our plans for the day and we can easily organize our day to ensure we accomplish everything.
After I have chosen my curriculum for the year and done research on what I want my kids to learn, I can easily create our school calendar year in only minutes.
Homeschool Planet: An Online Family Command Center
Homeschool Planet’s Ultimate Calendaring System can hold your entire family’s activities while letting you view all your kid’s calendars simultaneously. You can also select to see only a couple schedules at a time or one student schedule at a time. The flexibility of Homeschool Planet’s calendaring system allows you to efficiently organize your students’ schedule, have an overview of what it looks like in the week (day or month as well) in order to plan life accordingly.
I now know that if I try to keep on top of everyone’s schedule, I will fail at some point or I will stress myself out in the process. That is why I rely heavily on Homeschool Planet’s ability to communicate and share information between our family members. Each child can be sent assignment reminders by email or text to independently keep on track of their learning. You can even message your kids or husband reminders of chores or items they can pick up from the grocery store right from the Homeschool Planet’s platform.
A Game Changer For Busy Families!
Homeschool Planet changed our lives in such a functioning and productive way.
I thought I was going to lose it for a moment a few years back, but Homeschool Planet was able to keep my head above water and save me so much time to focus on work and homemaking.
I no longer have to follow up with my children on not doing their required assignments. They clearly know what is due and when it is due. Homeschool Planet helped my life get back into order and operating in an organized manner. I love that my Google Calendar syncs to my Homeschool Planet calendar since sometimes my appointments may coincide with co-op or my scheduled chore days. I can easily adjust and reschedule directly from the site.
Organizing my life on Homeschool Planet has been a game changer for my family in work, school, and home. I am able to see what our schedules look like as a whole, schedule in time for cleaning (for everyone), and get the flow of working at home and homeschooling in order once and for all. I am back in my happy place of some type of order in the home.
Life still isn’t perfect, in fact, it still can get slightly chaotic, but we have an organizing system that never lets us steer too far off the path. Organizing our whole family’s schedules all in one place has brought us closer together and more connected. Homeschool Planet’s organizational systems can help you do the same.
Check out Homeschool Planet for yourself with a 30-day FREE trial. No credit card information is necessary to give it a try!
At last — an easy, flexible, full-featured online planner that doesn’t require hours to learn. Just launch, click on the calendar, and start adding classes, assignments, and appointments!