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Printing Resource Lists

Can you believe how many resources we have as homeschooling families!?! Homeschool Planet lets you add them to your classes, lesson plans, and assignments. Then, if you need to print your resource list you can easily do so using the directions below!

Homeschool Planet Printing User Guide

To print a list of resources you have entered in Homeschool Planet follow these directions:

  1. Click on the drop-down menu labeled “Calendar” and choose “Resources”.
  2. If you would like, you can delete or edit any resources by using the corresponding blue buttons on the far right of the entry.
  3. If you would like previously archived resources to be included please check the Show Archived Resources box.
  4. In the drop down menu next to the “Resources” tab, there is a list of choices (Alphabetical, Recently Changed, By Type, By Subject, By Student, and By School Year). Choose the option that best suits how you would like your list sorted.
  5. You may also pull up just a particular title by using the Search resources box.
  6. Next, click the “Print” icon at the top of your screen and choose “Economy” or “Color”.
  7. In the “Print Preview”, you can choose your layout, display, etc., in the left margin before selecting the “Print” button (located at the bottom right corner of the pop-up window).
  8. Finally, once you are directed to your printer software’s dialogue box you can choose how many pages to print (or all!) and with most printer software you will have the option to also save as a PDF.

The screenshots below show each of these steps.

Screenshot Images

Printing Resource Lists in Homeschool Planet step 1

Printing Resource Lists in Homeschool Planet step 2

Printing Resource Lists in Homeschool Planet step 3

Printing Resource Lists Video Tutorial

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions at We are here to help you!

To learn more about Printing in Homeschool Planet, see the following links:

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