Why Art is Important in Your Homeschool

There may not be one artistic bone in our bodies. We should, however, be mindful that our children are paying attention to how we view things as important — or not. Whether you love the arts or couldn’t draw a stick man without a chuckle from the kids, you should understand why art is important in your homeschool.

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I have friends who think of awesome art projects for their children; they even do the projects themselves. The rest of us are just not talented in that area. Usually, when we don’t know much in a particular subject area, we try to steer clear from it in our homeschool.

Obviously, that isn’t healthy and really limits our children to what they learn. We could be holding them back from a talent that never had the time to be birthed in them.

Art in our homeschool can mean a whole lot more than we would think. We should be exposing our children to the arts and encouraging them to create art themselves. The benefits are numerous, but before we go into that, we need to be prepared.

Prepare to get messy, prepare to do impromptu art lessons if your children seem intrigued in one, and prepare to have fun. Although art can get messy (and I am not fond of any messes) it can bring you and your children fun, laughter, and lasting memories.

Why is art important in your homeschool?

Art is important in homeschool for building creative problem-solving skills.

If you have ever been in the corporate world you would know that some people, although educated,  cannot think outside the box or come up with creative ideas. This really stems from the lack of problem-solving opportunities in their past.

The decisions your children make in their minds while they are creating art provides practice in decision making and expressing themselves articulately. Both of these skills are crucial in functioning effectively in the workplace.

Art is important in homeschool to build confidence.

When a child decides to show their artwork to others, it takes bravery. They surpass feelings of possible rejection and go for it.

This is also an opportunity for parents to build up their child’s confidence in truthful reactions and appreciation of the artwork. Think of the effect on a child that has never been told their work was of value or has never been cheered on about something they accomplished.

Art is important in homeschool for developing fine motor skills.

Writing and reading are crucial to your learner’s education. However, art can help them with holding a pencil, paintbrush, working with play-dough, manipulating objects, and more. Many of these academic skills can be significantly improved with a catalyst to get them thinking and creating.

Art is important in homeschool to learn how to complete projects well.

Think about the process of completing art projects and what is done from start to finish.

A child needs to gather the tools they need, keep the items organized, edit their work, complete a project well, put away the tools they used, etc. Each and every one of these tasks is beneficial for kids throughout high school and adulthood.

Art is important because it allows kids to appreciate the beauty of our environment.

Being able to evaluate, provide insight, and input to a piece of artwork can enable children to see the beauty also in things all around us. How could someone look at a painting of a beautiful mountain, then not look at mountains differently the next time they see one?

When we encourage our children to get involved in artistic activities, we are also supporting them in becoming well-rounded individuals.

At Homeschool Planet, we have homeschool lesson plans that perfectly fit some of the very best homeschool art programs for your students. Sometimes art is slightly challenging to track and document unless you have a good homeschool record keeping system.

With these homeschool lesson plans for some of the very best art curriculum resources available, you won’t need to worry about homeschool record keeping. Homeschool Planet’s homeschool planner online automatically captures all your lesson plans in the homeschool organizer specific to each child.

Homeschool Planet has customized homeschool lesson plans for:

Lifepac Art

Lifepac Art is a full-color, Alpha Omega curriculum that teaches broad topics like design concepts, color principles, figure drawing, sculpture, printmaking, and so much more. It is an entertaining one-year art course will give your student a comprehensive introduction to art, design, and composition.

The lessons are flexible and can be easily customized to fit your child’s learning pace perfectly. Homeschool Planet’s Lifepac Art Set Lesson Plan is for the Lifepac Jr. High and High School Art set Grades 7 – 12.

How Great Thou ART

This How Great Thou Art Homeschool Art Curriculum, Christian & Classical Education teaches students the fundamentals of drawing, painting, color theory, and all things — for the love of art. This curriculum guides your child through these topics with a Christian perspective.

Homeschool Planet’s How Great Thou ART curriculum Lesson Plans are for grades 3 to 12 and can last 2-3 full school years.

Art With a Purpose

That Art With A Purpose has simple step-by-step art lessons for children in grades 1-8. Each Art With a Purpose Artpac has ready-to-use pupil art sheets to be bound in tablet form.

Art With a Purpose covers various topics in the Artpac like coloring skills, shading, perspective drawing opportunities, drawing faces, painting, grid work, calligraphy, and so much more.

Each Art With a Purpose Homeschool Planet lesson plan contains 34 weekly art assignments.

I was reluctant to do art with my children when I first started homeschooling. Now, I am so glad we do art regularly. We have made some of the most fun and silly memories because of it.

What do you use for art curriculum in your homeschool?

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