Homeschool Planning For The Disorganized Mom

When we began homeschooling, I was so excited to get everything set up and organized.

I delighted in gathering books and purchasing pencils. I couldn’t wait to create a schedule, and color-code everything!

There was just one problem:

I am not a naturally organized person.

For a long time, this felt like a major personal failing. All of the homeschool moms I saw online seemed so organized and together. Meanwhile, I kept losing important papers and forgetting dates.

There were a few times when I even questioned if I should be homeschooling.

But luckily, I have learned that you don’t have to be a naturally organized person to homeschool. You just need some tools and structure to help you succeed.

One of my favorite tools that keeps me organized is my Homeschool Planet online planner.

disorganized homeschool mom

A Place for Homeschool Record Keeping

One thing that overwhelmed me about homeschooling was keeping track of requirements like attendance and class hours. (Different states have different requirements for homeschooling – learn more here.)

A huge benefit of Homeschool Planet’s online planner has been that I can keep all required records and documentation in one place. It’s easy to record attendance, track hours spent learning and then create reports for homeschool portfolios at the end of each year.

I can even make report cards and transcripts quickly through Homeschool Planet, so there is no fear of losing track of grades or important information that I’ll need as my kids near graduation.

Plans in One Place

I put everything in my Homeschool Planet planner – appointments, outside classes, travel, birthdays, sports practice times, and of course lesson plans.

I even keep our meal plan in my Homeschool Planet planner.

Now, I can see at a glance what is coming up each week, and stay on top of activities and events.

Homeschool Planet Features that Help Me Stay Organized

There are several Homeschool Planet features that help me keep everything on track. From the ability to create individual profiles for each of my kids, to the list-making and messaging options, I feel so much less stress, and know that my Homeschool Planet planner has my back.

These are my favorite features that bring me planning peace:

Individual Profiles for Students

Because Homeschool Planet’s online homeschool planning system allows me to create individual profiles for each of my kids, it’s easy to balance multiple curricula and grade levels.

I used to get easily overwhelmed each morning, trying to get everyone started with work for the day, but now, I know everything is available for each of my kids in their profile.

Quick and Easy Changes

If we need to miss a day of school because of illness or a field trip, it’s simple to just shift everything with Homeschool Planet’s Rescheduling Helper.

In just a couple of clicks, I can move our plans to another day.

My kids can see these changes reflected in their profiles, so restarting homeschooling after a day off or even longer breaks, like vacations or holiday breaks, has become seamless.

Instant Lesson Plans

It’s also simple to add a lot of our lesson plans by using Homeschool Planet’s Integrated Lesson Plans.

I just match up what my kids are learning through Homeschool Planet’s Homeschool Lesson Plan and Curriculum Marketplace, and I can schedule a whole quarter, whole semester or whole years of lessons in just a few clicks.

This is so helpful because I no longer have to stay on top of every book and remember who is on which unit in their math curriculum. And I don’t have to worry about my kids keeping track of everything either.

Routine Through Recurring Events 

Homeschool Planet makes it so easy to schedule regularly recurring events, which helps us all create routines in our homeschool.

It’s also easy to build a schedule for yourself or your kids. I was never able to stay on top of managing kids’ chores until I was able to add them to my Homeschool Planet online planner.

Making Lists Right in My Planner

I’ve always been a list-maker, but plenty of times those lists have been on sticky notes or in notebooks that end up misplaced. 

Homeschool Planet’s online planner makes it easy to create lists right in the planner. And, I can even share those lists through the messaging feature.

Texting and Emails To Stay On Track

One of my favorite Homeschool Planet Features has turned out to be texting/messaging. 

Homeschool Planet allows me to send messages to my kids, my husband and even myself. I can easily send reminders, to-do lists and even daily digests to anyone in my family.

And yes – I definitely use this feature to send myself reminders!

Homeschool Planet Provides the Organization Homeschool Moms Crave

Now that I’ve been homeschooling for a while, I know that plenty of us struggle with organization. Don’t be fooled by social media, for every post we see of a perfect, themed homeschool classroom, there are lots of us who struggle.

But I want to assure you that you can homeschool, even if organization doesn’t come naturally.

The goal shouldn’t be to somehow magically become a hyper-organized person. The goal should be to find tools that help you build a homeschool that feels calm and organized enough.

My homeschool is definitely not picture perfect! But with Homeschool Planet’s Online Planner, I have found a way to keep homeschooling sustainable, and for it to feel so much less overwhelming.

If you are looking for ways to bring organization and calm to your homeschool day, be sure to head here to get a FREE 30-day trial of Homeschool Planet (no credit card required!).

Then, learn exactly how to get started. I promise it’s easy, and in no time, you’ll feel the relief that comes with tools designed for peaceful homeschool planning.