Homeschool Planning

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How to Create A Morning Time Routine that Works! for you homeschool

How to Create a Homeschool Morning Time Routine that Works

Morning time routines have become all the rage in homeschooling in the last few years. Homeschool bloggers, podcasters, publishers, and more have promoted this practice that goes by many different names: morning time, morning basket, circle time, etc. Whatever you call it in your homeschool, the purpose is the same. It is  a time intended…

Homeschool Planet Portfolios button

Homeschool Portfolios: Helpful Resources For Easy And Legitimate Record Keeping

Although we can freely homeschool, there are some parameters we need to adhere to that vary from state to state or country to country for that matter. No matter what state or country in which you live, an amazing tool to capture your child’s education is a homeschool portfolio. Easy Homeschool Portfolios with Homeschool Planet…

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