Homeschool Methods 101: Which One’s Right For You?

Welcome to the world of homeschooling! Whether you’re just beginning your journey into learning from home, you’re a seasoned veteran looking to freshen up on your favorite homeschool teaching method, or just want to try something new, you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ll cover everything from curricula to tips and tricks for successful homeschooling – giving your children the best education possible!

So let’s get started and see what the different homeschool methods are and what creative homeschool method will work best for your family.

Finding Your Homeschool Method

Homeschooling Basics

Homeschooling is an educational approach where parents or guardians are responsible for providing their children with an education in a learning environment outside of a traditional school setting. Homeschoolers often pursue instruction through individualized, self-directed study; group projects, and collaboration with other homeschoolers (co-ops); as well as curricula with parent/teacher guides.

Different Homeschooling Methods

When deciding how to homeschool, it’s important to consider the different methods available. Each homeschooling  method has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your student’s learning style and needs, so it is important to research each option to find what will be the most beneficial homeschool method in your unique situation.

Below is a brief overview of the most common types of homeschooling. There are a variety of homeschool methods that can be applied. The method you select will have an impact on the curriculum and style of teaching your family enjoys. The following are some of the most popular homeschooling methods.

Traditional/Textbook Homeschool Method: 

  • This method is similar to a public or private school in that most curriculum comes pre-packaged with textbooks and lesson plans. This method is best for students who need structure and prefer working on individual lessons and assignments at their own pace. Examples of this method would be:

The Classical Education Method: 

  • The classical method is made up of three stages of learning, called the Trivium. In the Grammar Stage (ages 5-10) children learn words, vocabulary, and facts across a variety of subject areas. In the Dialectic Stage (ages 11-14) students begin using analytical thinking skills and discussion to add a new layer of understanding. Finally, in the Rhetoric stage (age 14-+=18+) students explore more abstract thinking by using knowledge and understanding gained in previous stages and apply this information to life issues through writing essays and presenting research on a wide variety of topics. Examples of classical homeschooling curricula are:

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Method: 

  • This method is named after Charlotte Mason, who is known as the originator of the homeschooling movement. Using this method, children should primarily learn through observations of nature, poetry memorization, journal writing, classical music appreciation, and recitation of scripture or poetry during a time often referred to as Circle Time or Morning Time. The goal is for the educational process not only to include content but also to cultivate good character along with academic knowledge and strength in faith if desired. Examples of this method would be:

Montessori Homeschool Method: 

  • The Montessori method had its start in Italy. It was found that children go through extremely sensitive stages in which they experience periods of intense concentration. In these phases, children will repeat an action until they receive some measure of self-satisfaction from it. This method relies on prepared environments to facilitate learning. Experiments involving tangible objects make it easier for them to internalize concepts more efficiently giving them a better grasp of concepts while avoiding conventional passive learning styles. Examples of this method would be:

Unschooling Homeschool Method: 

  • John Holt, a public educator in Boston, developed the ‘unschooling’ method. Holt believed that children learn best when they learn at their own pace and are guided by their own interests. He wanted to ‘unschool’ the child by requiring parents to take their cues from the children. This approach has no set curriculum, schedules, or materials. It is the most unstructured of the homeschooling techniques.

Eclectic Homeschool Method

  • The Eclectic Homeschooling method is a combination of several techniques. Innovative parents rely on their own judgment to select topics that make up the curriculum for their own children. These parents are always looking for the best products they can find to help them meet the needs of their homeschoolers. Examples of this method would be:

Unit Study Homeschool Method

  • The Unit Study method is a thematic or topical approach to teaching. Rather than teaching each subject separately, a unit study integrates many or nearly all subject areas into a unified study-usually centered around a particular subject or event. Typically a unit study will incorporate the humanities subjects as well as math and science. Unit studies typically have supplemental reading and projects to add to the learning process. Examples of this method would be:

Presidents Unit Study Promo for Homeschool Planet image

Whatever method is selected, the underlying concept is flexibility and a strong interest in the child’s own desires. The key is to use children’s desire for knowledge to further their education. Family homeschooling goals are all different but these homeschooling methods will help you find the best way to learn that fits your unique family.

Homeschool Planning & Set Up

Once you have explored and experimented with a few of the different homeschooling methods you may find a favorite teaching method. Now it’s time for the next steps. You’ll want to spend time looking at the following ideas to find the curriculum, resources, and schedule that work best for you.

Structuring a Homeschool Curriculum

Planning a homeschool curriculum and developing a yearly schedule can seem daunting at first, but don’t worry, Homeschool Planet is here to help you create that plan. With the right tools and resources, it is possible to structure an effective homeschool program that meets the needs of your child.

Step 1:

The first step in designing a homeschool curriculum is to determine your student’s learning objectives and develop a plan that meets their individual needs. Consider the academic goals you have for your student and select materials that will help them reach those goals. Consider utilizing online resources, such as podcasts and webinars, in addition to more traditional books and materials. Not all students learn at the same pace or in the same manner, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods until you find one that works best for your student.

Step 2:

After deciding on a homeschool method, map out what you would like covered during each school day or week depending on your preference. You can outline a daily schedule of activities at the beginning of each school year or decide week-by-week as you go along – whatever works best for you! When planning lessons that support your child’s education, be sure to incorporate topics beyond core academic subjects managed by local boards of education such as art, music, physical education, foreign language, and computer skills, etc., These are important (and fun) ways to help children receive a balanced, well-rounded homeschool education.

Step 3:

Finally, take into consideration extra-curricular activities like sports teams or theater club which adds another layer of value to your homeschool routine. It is also important to set aside time throughout the week to review for and take exams and quizzes so you can measure how much students have learned from their studies or any tutoring sessions. The Homeschool Planet lesson plans and planner help you stay on top of it all every step of the way.

Choosing Homeschool Materials

Choosing the right homeschool materials is essential for any successful homeschooling experience. With so many materials available, it’s important to choose products that match your needs, objectives, and homeschool approach and your child’s learning style. Finding what is right for your family, whether it is traditional homeschooling or one of the other different homeschool styles mentioned above, is important in ensuring you choose compatible resources appropriate for your student’s grade level.

When evaluating potential educational materials for homeschooling, one should consider the student’s individual needs and the subject area of focus. The needs can be quite different for younger children compared to middle school and high school students. It’s important to consider both audio-visual components as well as printed books or workbooks when selecting material. 

Popular options include:

  • Textbooks based on state standards
  • Online courses with teacher contact
  • Self-paced online classes
  • Video/DVD courses with interactive activities
  • Worksheet/unit study packets that can be printed
  • Textbooks supplemented with additional advanced content such as experiments or research activities.

By carefully considering subject material selection criteria along with personal commitments prior to beginning any course work, parents can maximize their students’ potential for success in any home education program.

Homeschooling Resources

Finding the right resources to homeschool can be overwhelming, but it is important to choose materials that best meet the academic and emotional needs of your family.

There are many types of homeschooling materials available online, including textbooks, workbooks, unit studies, online classes, assessment tools and supplemental materials. When selecting a curriculum or resource that works for your child, consider the individual learning styles as well as other interests. There is a wide range of topics and formats available.


Textbooks provide families with comprehensive lessons in traditional learning formats including reading comprehension activities and problem sets for math practice. 


Workbooks provide structure for those using a more traditional approach within their home setting by continuing to focus on core content areas such as language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. 

Online classes

Online classes are an increasingly popular option among homeschoolers with courses taught by experienced professionals through video streaming programs (live or pre-recorded).

For those who prefer an informal learning experience at home, there are many resources like adult education kits helping to guide students through at-home art projects or laboratories exploring different topics in engineering design principles or computer programming techniques. 

Assessment tools

Assessment tools might include testing programs that allow parents to measure student progress throughout the year in required subjects like language arts or mathematics. 

Supplemental Material

Supplemental material might include audiobooks or educational videos or television shows that provide additional background information on topics within, for example, social studies such as world politics or elections won around the globe by women leaders. And don’t forget about educational trips for kids like field trips, virtual museum activities, and intentional family travel.

Ultimately, when it comes to homeschooling resources remember to take time in selecting materials that will grow with your child’s knowledge base over time while giving them autonomy over their own learning experience.

Benefits of Homeschooling

Homeschooling can offer a range of benefits for both the student and the parent. The general benefits of homeschooling include an individualized definition of success, flexibility, customized education plans, and undivided family time.

One major benefit of homeschooling is that it allows parents, as homeschool teacher, to provide their children with an individualized definition of success. Not only can this help motivate students to reach their own unique goals, but it also allows them to learn at their own pace and develop skills in areas they are most passionate about.

Another benefit of homeschooling is that it offers flexibility in terms of both curriculum and schedule. Parents have the freedom to choose the best method and what topics they want their children to study. They also get to choose when they want to work on them. This can allow students to spend more time studying subjects that interest them and less time on those that don’t.

Parents who choose to homeschool also have the ability to customize education plans based on their child’s learning styles for their children. This allows parents to try different approaches to ensure their kids receive a quality education tailored specifically for them rather than a one-size-fits-all approach typically associated with traditional educational institutions.

Finally, homeschooling often provides more undivided family time than traditional schooling due to shorter classes, no commute times or long days away from home. This makes it easier for families to spend quality time together while still offering children access to educational resources tailored specifically for them. That’s the beauty of homeschooling!

Homeschooling Challenges

Homeschooling can be a rewarding experience, but there can also be some challenges that pop up along the way. Again, Homeschool Planet has homeschool parents covered. Check out our lesson plans or join our Facebook group. We are here to help.

One of the common issues is increased responsibility. The parent-teacher must assign, check, grade, and adjust lessons as needed to ensure their student’s success. In addition to learning the basic curriculum design, they must be dedicated and organized in order to successfully juggle all these tasks while also managing their own work schedule. The Homeschool Planet lesson plans and planner streamline every aspect of your homeschool responsibilities. The free 30-day trial will help you better understand how to make these homeschool tasks easier and quicker to accomplish.

Finding suitable resources for homeschooling can also be a challenge. Traditional school courses each have their specific textbooks, but parents may want a complete grade level curriculum or to build up a well-rounded library of books tailored for each subject – a textbook for math, literature for language arts, and science guides – depending on the homeschool curriculum being followed. 

Homeschoolers often choose different learning activities such as online or outdoor activities and trips to supplement their education rather than solely relying on textbooks These resources may need to be budgeted for, but are well worth the investment in family time and learning together.

Homeschooling Success Stories

Homeschooling has numerous benefits for students. It can be a positive, enriching learning experience that prepares students for life beyond the school system. There are countless stories of homeschooling success from individuals and families who found success through homeschooling. Whether you gather around the kitchen table, participate in an online school, or attend a co-op, homeschooling is a great way to achieve your family’s educational goals.

Success stories can provide insight into how other families have benefited from homeschooling, from high student test scores to social development, increased college acceptance, and high student self-confidence. Through these experiences, many see an increased proficiency in academic subjects as well as better preparation for transitioning into college or the adult world.

Homeschoolers often highlight for their achievements with awards won in public competitions, scholarships secured to attend colleges and universities with competitive admissions, or involvement in extra-curricular activities outside of the home education setting. These successes highlight dedicated parents who have taken on the challenge of providing a well-rounded education at home.

The unique appeal of homeschooling lies in its flexibility and wide range of teaching styles utilized by parents who ensure their children get the individualized attention they need to excel in subjects that interest them.