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Adding Notes to Assignments

Notes are helpful additions to your assignments. They remind you of information, add clarity to your assignments, and make schooling easier! To learn more about adding notes to assignments the directions below.

Homeschool Planet Assignments User Guide

First a word about Notes~

One of the largest differences is that notes do not have checkboxes while assignments do. If you want the information on a day to have a checkbox you will enter it as an assignment. If you do not, then add a note.

A second important item to understand about notes is how they are pinned. If you are using either purchased or user-created lesson plans, notes are pinned to the assignment and do move with the assignment when rescheduled. However, if you add a note to a class that is on the calendar, then notes are assigned to a day and not pinned to an assignment. They do not move when the assignment is rescheduled. So attach notes in the lesson plan if they are to be pinned to an assignment and to to a class on the calendar if they are to be fixed to the date.

Adding Notes to Assignments

  1. After logging into your account, find the class that includes the assignment for which you want to add the note, click on the class title, then select the “Edit” option.
  2. Once the “Edit Class” window opens,  locate the tab labeled “Notes” and select it.
  3. When you are in the “Note” tab,  you can do a few things:
    1. Set your date range using the “Show” section.
    2. In the “To every class, add this:” field, you can add the same information to every date.
    3. The “Assignment generator options…” text link opens the “Note Generator” that provides a variety of choices for creating your note(s) including repeating the same information over specific date range, recurring patterns, and more. Follow the prompts to use this feature.
    4. You can also just type in notes on any given day that you choose. If a note already exists on the date you wish to add a note and you do not want to change the content of that note, you can add another note to that day by using the dropdown menu on the far right under “Options” by the date you wish to add the note to and select “Add another note to this date”.
  4. You will need to select who the note is “Visible to ?” by using the drop-down menu in that field.
  5. When you have finished adding your information, select the “Save and close” button in the lower right corner of the window.

Adding Notes to Assignments Screenshots

lesson plan notes in homeschool planet step 1 Select the tab labeled Notes

lesson plan notes in homeschool planet step 2 use the options under the more menu to add extras

lesson plan notes in homeschool planet step 3 determine who the note should be to and select your option

Adding Notes to Assignments Video Tutorial

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions at We are here to help you!

For more User Guide entries about Assignments, please see the links below:

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