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Assignments Not Showing up in Digests

Are you wondering why your students’ work is not showing up in your digest emails? This entry will explain how to make sure you have entered actual assignments to check off and not just class subjects and titles. Read on, friends!

Homeschool Planet Assignments User Guide

Making sure you have entered assignments!

It can be confusing to get a Daily or Weekly Digest and see no assignments listed in your emails! When there is nothing entered in the assignments tab, the system does not recognize assignments scheduled for that particular day of class.  The class is scheduled for that day but no work has yet been “assigned”.  The class is simply acting as a placeholder on your calendar until you enter some assignment information.

Here are some User Guide articles that will help you as you get started entering assignment text into your calendar, after which the digest emails will populate with the information you enter in that tab for each class.  These entries have video tutorials that will be of benefit to you so you can visualize what we mean when we use the term “assignment”:

Video Tutorial

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions at We are here to help you!

For even more User Guide entries about Assignments, please see the links below:

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