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Deleting Multiple Assignments

When you need delete an entire category or group of assignments Homeschool Planet can help you accomplish the task with a few simple steps. Learn how in this User Guide entry.

Homeschool Planet Assignments User Guide

Deleting Multiple Assignments at Once

  1. After logging into your account, locate the class that you need to modify, select the assignment, and choose the “Edit” option.
  2. When the “Edit Class” window opens,  on the “Assignments” tab, select the time frame for the assignments in the “Show:” date range fields, then locate the “Containing:” blank field.
  3. In the “Containing:” field, type a word that is specific to the assignments you want to delete, preferably something they all have in common (ex: lab). This will populate a list of assignments with this term in them. Alternatively, if there is not a common word for the assignments you need to delete, skip this step and continue below.
  4. Next to the “Containing:” field, you will see the “Edit” option with a small drop-down arrow.  Select this and the system will display marked checkboxes beside your assignments. It will also display the “Edit:” fields, “Find this:” and “Replace with:” as well as 2 action buttons, “Replace in Selected Items” and “Delete Selected Items.”
  5. Review the checked assignments and uncheck any that you want to keep. To uncheck all assignments, look for the “And on this day…” option and uncheck the box beside it. Anything you leave marked with a checkmark will be deleted in the next step so review carefully.
  6. Once you have made your selections, click the “Delete Selected Items” button. This will delete all the selected items.
  7. Click the “Save and Close” option in the bottom left of the window.

Please note that once you save, this operation cannot be undone.

Deleting Multiple Assignments Screenshots

Delete Multiple Assignments in Homeschool Planet 1

Delete Multiple Assignments 2 in Homeschool Planet 2

Delete Multiple Assignments in Homeschool Planet 3

Deleting Multiple Assignments Video Tutorial

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions at We are here to help you!

For more User Guide entries about Assignments, please see the links below:

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